A couple of months ago, I posted a few pictures of our potential new home on facebook. My friend J. immediately replied, “It’s the Home Alone house!” I did see that movie once or twice, but it was within the first couple of years that it was released in the theaters over 20 years ago. While I do remember Macauley Culkin’s famous scream, and I still cringe at the thought of Joe Pesci’s character getting hit in the face with a hot iron, I had no idea what J. was talking about. Then, she posted this picture:

This is photo of the entry hall in our house:

The Home Alone house! We just bought a near-replica it seems. The layout is almost exactly the same. The dining room is on the right in both houses, and the living room is on the left. Even the doors on the back wall and to the right are in the same place. I used the all-mighty google to see if I could find out if there was any correlation between the two houses, but it seems it is just a funny coincidence.
For more information on the “real” Home Alone house, which is in Winnetka, Illinois, please visit this fun website: Hooked on Houses
WHA!! I am so jealous of this right now. All I have is a front door that runs into the stairs when I walk in!!
You have a highly functional kitchen though. We don’t have that yet. LOL
Jan Elizabeth
No wonder I felt like I recognized it!! O_O Wow, that is eerily similar.
Andrea Matters
I was noodling around on Houzz today, and saw this: http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/77828667/list/houzz-call-whats-your-favorite-tv-or-movie-home
Read the comments to see how many people named the house from “Home Alone” as their favorite movie/TV home!