It is a wonder that I get anything done around here. Yesterday, I had a series of different projects going, and only one of them got finished because I kept losing my supplies. It is possible that I was just having a bad multi-tasking day, but I am starting to believe that a portal to an alternate universe exists in my home and van, and that is where everything is going. Some family in the alternate universe is enjoying my iPod shuffle, A’s headphones (which I was borrowing), a Phillip’s head screwdriver, three buttons, and a sewing tape measure. They kindly returned one button so I could finish the knitted neck cowl that I started in the summer of 2013 when I found out that we would be moving east.
I do not knit very much. I did go through a phase of knitting often, but that was many years and one kid ago. Now, I typically pick up a project when my mother visits. She is a whiz with the needles, and she is very inspiring. My mom understands knitting patterns which remain mostly a mystery to me. Beautiful things materialize from her needles which click together all year around. She was here a few weeks ago, and I was motivated to finish a couple UFOs (unfinished objects). During her visit, we drank mugs of pumpkin-flavored coffee, chatted nonstop and knitted away. I completed a hat and a neck cowl. The hat was a dud, but the neck cowl showed great promise. It just needed buttons which I had purchased in 2013.
I searched for the buttons, but I did not find them. I looked for them on and off for a few weeks. I admit that things are still not very organized here at BHH. There will be plenty of time to work on that during the long, cold winter. With snow in immediate forecast, I decided to just buy new buttons and cut my losses on the old ones.
Long story short, yesterday, I replaced the lost buttons with new buttons. Then, I lost one of the new buttons in the van when it slipped out of my fingers and through the portal to the family in the alternate universe. After searching for fifteen minutes, I found it in a crevice on the floor where I was sure I had looked before. That is why my alternate universe idea has some merit don’t you think?
I did not use a pattern for this cowl. I was inspired by a ready-to-wear piece that I saw in a catalog last year. I used straight knit stitch, back and forth, until it was the proper length. I used a chunky wool yarn, Paton brand, from JoAnn Fabrics. I think that the buttons are a bit large, and I would likely use smaller ones if I had it to do over.
This is how it looks with a nice coat. I intend to wear it on fancier occasions, and especially in the city where it is very blustery between the tall buildings.
I would like to make a matching hat, but my mother is not coming to visit until later next year. I will have to be my own motivator if I want to make that happen.
Let’s talk about you. Are you a knitter? If so, what is on your needles? Alternate universe: yes or no?
I love that! I’m one of those weirdos that doesn’t like anything around my neck. But, I’m also a native Texan and live 3/4’s of the year in shorts and flip flops. Nobody in my family had hobbies or was creative. I feel like some of those are a dying art form. Your lucky to have learned it from your mom. I’d really like to learn to quilt. Maybe one of these days 🙂
My mom is a good teacher. 🙂 She is a quilter too. We just moved here last year from California. I rarely wore a scarf, and I didn’t even own a sweater since it was just too warm to wear one there. Now, I wear one almost every day.
K Frer - cozycapecottage
I’m a daily, or near daily knitter. I love it. I find it so soothing, and I love making something useful and beautiful that wasn’t there before. My mom used to knit when I was little. I know she made me a few sweaters. But as I’m one of three, she stopped somewhere along the way and never picked it up again. She tried to teach me many years ago, but was so rusty that it didn’t work out well. I later taught myself through the magic of youtube. I am about to bind off a little sweater for my baby niece, and then I’m determined to try to finish off a pair of socks and sweater for myself, both WIP’s for about 6 months. Wish me luck!
Baby sweaters are so sweet. You must be a very good knitter since you knit so often. I do wish you luck with your WIPs. I have wanted to do socks for a long time, but I have a hard time understanding patterns. Like you, I enjoy it when my projects are useful as well as beautiful. When I knit, I often just make dishcloths. 🙂 I am going to add your blog to my feedly. I look forward to reading it.
K Frer - cozycapecottage
Dishcloths are something I don’t make often! I don’t know if we’re just doing dishes wrong or something, but they get holes in them way too fast in our house to balance out all that work!
It is probably likely that I am washing the dishes wrong. 😀 I haven’t had a problem with holes, but I do not know why. I have no tips or tricks for that.
I’m still knitting up a storm Stacy! A little slowed down with the newest addition but he is Inspiring me to knit even more. On the needles now, hats for all the kids for Christmas. Wish we were closer so I could keep you inspired when your moms not around.
You make such beautiful things, Ruk. I still have memories of that beautiful brown baby sweater that you made. I am still stuck on variegated wool yarn. 🙂 I always wish you were closer. I miss you, and I am sad that I cannot get to know your new baby. Does it get cold enough there for hats?
I took off my wedding ring a few years ago because I had a bug bite underneath and it was driving me crazy. I put it in a little pouch, snapped it shut, and set it in the cup holder of our boat. When we took our boat out, I went to get it and the pouch was there – BUT NO RING. I scoured that boat EVERYWHERE and never found it. I know that somewhere in an alternate universe I’m wearing that ring. 🙂
Also yes to knitting. I wish I had a mom to teach me. I’m self taught and I’ve made SO many mistakes. I just learned that for the last two years I’ve been knitting with twisted stitches because I was combining the continental and English methods (I can’t hold yarn in my right hand…I just can’t).
Bad grammar. I do have a mom. She just doesn’t know how to knit so she can’t teach me. 🙂
You understand. 😀 What a disappointment about your wedding ring though. I am so sorry about that. The fact that your brain worked two ways (continental and English) impresses me. That must be a genius trait. 🙂 I am adding your blog to my Feedly. I will enjoy reading it. I am sure.
#1) Not a genius. A genius would have been able to figure out that you don’t knit with your left hand the same way you do with your right. #2) Thanks for adding me. You’re on mine as well 🙂
Jan Elizabeth
I like the cowl. I crochet, but only knit on a loom. I’m planning to try finger knitting soon too, and have a cool wreath in mind to make with it. Maybe not as fancy with the decorations on top, but I like it.