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I am trying to get BHH put together enough to do a preliminary photo or video tour. People have been asking a lot of questions about the house, and I am anxious to show it off. I have no plans to make the house perfect, as if that was even possible, but I do want to get most of the boxes emptied or put away before I post the tour.

We really do not have a lot of stuff considering that there are six people in our family. It is just that there is so much to do each day. When I wake up in the morning, I decide whether it is a good idea to fix something, clean something or unpack. Fixing and cleaning seem to take precedence. Recently, Andy suggested that we should work on one room at a time, so I have been focusing my effort on the kitchen. After I am done in the kitchen, I should be able to finish unpacking and cleaning the rest of the first floor since it is already nearly done.

My little partner was in a very helpful mood yesterday. I truly love spending my days with her. She happily washed dishes, wiped surfaces and oiled our butcherblock items.

After working hard inside, she and I checked on the berry bushes. Dorothy, the previous owner had planted and cared for several blueberry bushes back in the wild part of our yard. Our neighbors have all mentioned them, so we are anxiously awaiting the day they are ripe. It is just a guess, but I think it may still be 3-4 weeks until we are eating freshly picked blueberries.


Closer to the house, the black raspberries are ripening. M. and I picked a small bowl, but there are plenty that will be ripe in a day or two.

I just wanted a picture of M. holding the berries, and I got this silly girl staged photo.
She is so funny about photos these days. Once we have a larger harvest, M. has big plans for some delicious desserts. If only I had as much passion for cooking as I have for DIY and motherhood.


  • Robin
    Posted July 2, 2014 at 12:39 pm

    The berries are so tasty that Nora and I just eat them by the handful. We rarely manage to cook any of them up. 🙂

  • Jan Elizabeth
    Posted March 6, 2015 at 1:46 am

    It looks like a lovely garden.

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