I have decided not to write a typical week 5 post. You know and I know how week 5 is going. It's nuts! There's too much work and too little week. We are pounding coffee like it's our job, and it is far too easy to get sucked into the stress of it all. Instead,…
Last year, when I completed the kitchen pantry and the dining room as our One Room Challenge™ projects, I fared pretty well without a lot of panic. This year, not so much. The exhaustion is setting in, and the to-do list still looks way too long to complete in only two weeks.
So where are we…
It's week 3, and if I stop for even one second to consider this project-in-full, I will implode. There, I got that out, and now I feel better. Truly, my life does not suck. We have a little money to spend on this project, everything is coming along well, and so far, we have not…
Thank you for all the love last week regarding choosing the library for our One Room Challenge™ project. What I especially appreciate is your confidence that we will get the library done in six weeks and that it will be beautiful. There is a chance that you are all enabling my delusions, but in all seriousness,…
It's One Room Challenge™ time again. High fives all around! The One Room Challenge™ is hosted by Linda of Calling It Home and media partner House Beautiful.
In 2016, we had so much fun joining in as guest participants of the challenge that it is now a permanent date on our renovation calendar every spring and…
We took last week off from blogging to focus on getting the house ready for our Thanksgiving guests. Deep cleaning a house this size is no joke. I am not particularly organized about it since I have never lived in a big house before, but we are all starting to get the hang of it.