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Buying and living in an old house is so rewarding, and it can also be stressful. So many of us go into old house ownership with the idea that “we’ll be done with the rehab in insert arbitrary date here.”
Not long after the first paint stripping session or the key turns in the lock (or doesn’t!), the reality of the scope of work sets in. We’re in this for the long haul, and sometimes that can feel overwhelming. The longer I do this work, the more I realize that a sense of overwhelm often creates paralysis and anxiety. Suddenly every maintenance issue looks catastrophic, and it’s easy to wonder, Where do I even start?
Lindsay from Blind Eye Restoration said it best, “Old houses are just very needy for maintenance.” It’s true; An old house is never truly done.
Here’s how I can help.
Window Restoration Consultation & Planning
You’ve got a house full of old windows, now what? Let me help you:
- Triage, prioritize, and plan a work schedule
- Offer advice for specific window restoration issues
- Find DIY solutions and resources
- Connect with restoration professionals if you’re not into DIY
Buying an Old House or Living in One
You want to buy an old house, or you’ve already fallen in love with one, but you’re not sure if you should make an offer. Maybe you and your partner (or your parents) don’t agree, and neutral, non-family member input would be helpful. Perhaps you can’t get enough of perusing old house real estate, and you’re trying to narrow down some choices.
Before you commit your time and $$, let me help you:
- Make a general assessment of what you might be getting into
- Prioritize the work
- Offer insight into your existing plan for rehab and your general budget
- Get to the root of what you are looking for in a house, taking the emotion out of the decision
You just bought an old house, or you’ve had it for a while, and gulp…now what? You’re excited, but also, the reality has set in. The amount of work to do is paralyzing.
Let me help you:
- Talk through your pain points and fears
- Prioritize the work
- Figure out your next first step
- Connect with restoration professionals if you’re not into DIY
Help! I’m in the middle of a project, and I’m stuck.
Sometimes, a quick call is all you need. For example, you can’t get your glazing putty smooth, or you got a stuck window sash open, but now it won’t close. Maybe an “easy” project created some unwanted demo, and you don’t know what to do next. What you need is entirely based on your project.
I can help you:
- Get unstuck
- Determine your next steps
- Decide if you need a professional
- Find additional resources that will help
Before You Book a Consultation
I am really excited to meet you and talk about your old house, but I need to tell you a few things before you book our time together.
- Your safety is my first priority.
- My consulations are virtual through Zoom, but if you live locally to me (Buffalo, NY area–all regions/Salt Lake City, UT, schedule TBD), I do travel for an additional flat fee TBD by your needs. If you live in my exact town, or within 10 minutes, I will waive my travel fee. We’re neighbors!
- I may not tell you what you want to hear even though I wish I could.
- I am not a licensed contractor or an engineer, and I won’t pretend to be.
- If I don’t know the answer, I won’t make up something.
- I don’t believe that any questions are stupid. Ask away!
- I believe that every person’s chapter one looks different.
If all of this looks good, let’s get to work.
Booking & Rates
15-Minute Window Restoration Chat
This session is perfect for general problem areas and inquiries. Last summer, I tested out these 15-minute calls, and they worked great–not too short–right to the point.
Window Restoration Chat + A Personalized Written Plan and Resource list
First, we’ll chat, and then I’ll sit down and put a plan together for you that we’ll discuss in a follow-up call.
Buying or Owning an Old House Session
Should I buy this house? Or I bought the house, now what? During this 45-minute call, you’re welcome to show me areas of concern, real estate listings you’re considering, or anything else related to buying or owning an old house.
15-Minute Help! I’m Stuck Call
The name of this chat says it all. What we talk about is up to you. DIY gone wrong? Let’s figure it out together.
Also become a Patron of Blake Hill House and True Tales From Old Houses
If you don’t need personalized help through a virtual call, but you would still like to support my work in the old house community, I invite you to become a patron. Patrons do get special perks, and I look forward to developing the program moving forward.
Thank you!