The wheels of progress seem to be turning slowly this summer. Currently, I am waiting to hear back from every company that I called to help us with our outdoor projects. The good news is that my goal of working less and enjoying more this summer is right on target. The bad news is that I am feeling a little anxious about getting everything done by the end of summer. Welcome to life in the frozen North.
The last ten days have been eventful which is why I did not post until today. First, I had to call an exterminator because BHH had carpenter ants. Ugh! Making this decision was tough for me because I avoid pesticides like the plague. The company assured me that their product was human and pet safe, but I do not believe them. I do believe that they think it’s safe, but that is as far as I will go. What are your thoughts on this?
Next, our oldest son had some minor surgery. He came through it like a champ. This surgery was the first step in a multi-step process. I do not think I have talked about this on the blog yet, but he is moving to Los Angeles in August. He is continuing his college education at a great school. We have a lot to do in the next month before he leaves. He is doing the bulk of the work, but as his mom, I still need to stay in the loop.
Simultaneously, my permanent marker got quite a workout because our 14-year-old left for six weeks of summer camp. We labeled all. the. things. I cannot believe he talked us into six weeks. He loves camp, and I am so grateful that he is confident and mature enough to spend that much time away from home.
Lastly, our 16-year-old and I enjoyed a long weekend at the annual Origami Convention in Queens, NY. I have mentioned before that he and I are part-time Origami teachers. We teach beginning students at libraries, homeschool co-ops, and the local art store. Most people think of Origami as simple models like these:
Some models are indeed uncomplicated, but Origami is so much more. If you have three minutes, I encourage you to watch this video. While I spend my time making penguins and the like, the teen folds things like this:
(One Cube Tessellation designed by Alessandro Beber and folded by O.)
Big difference!
Everything in the past ten days came together just fine, but it was a whirlwind of carefully orchestrated tasks and commitments.
Whew! I did not intend to take up so much of this post with personal items. Thank you for hanging in there with me. I came here to show off our landscaping progress, so I better get to it.
Landscaping: End of June Update
In early June, we pulled loads of weeds, fertilized the perennials, planted some annuals, and spread mulch.
Behold! The power of mulch. The flower beds look so much tidier. Now, it is the last day of June, and everything is filling out quite nicely. I placed potted zinnias on the steps, and the hydrangea is getting ready to explode with pink blooms.
Once the Rhododendrons stopped blooming, Andy cut the front section way back. He also pulled all of the old ground cover and spread mulch.
The next few photos show off the positive changes. We still have so much to do, but every little bit counts. In addition to landscaping, I also decked out the house for the Fourth of July. Living in a blue house with a red door, how could I not?
Funny side note: Every time I take outdoor photos, Millie sits in front of the house like this:
She is in every photo below. See if you can spot her.
(Also, note the two new peonies in the foreground.)
I love driving up to BHH now. It looks so much better on the street side. Summer really is my favorite season.
I want to wish everyone in America a lovely holiday weekend. To my Canadian friends, Happy Canada Day tomorrow (July 1). This year is a big deal. It is the 150th anniversary of Canada. Thank you for being such great neighbors. I shall wave at you across the river this weekend.
Does anyone have fun holiday plans? Do you decorate for the Fourth of July? How are you spending your summer?
Your home looks absolutely Independence Day ready! I can almost see the fireworks bursting above the rooftop. (and hi Millie–I see you). You’ve made some nice landscape progress, so take the long weekend off, and pick up next week. But IG the pink hydrageas as soon as they appear. Happy 4th!
Thank you, SH. I am stalking my own hydrangeas. 😀 I cannot wait to post a picture. Happy 4th to you too!
Ame Jo Hughes
BHH looks fabulous! Mulch really does make a huge impact. It’s like a new coat of paint for the ground. I can’t wait to see those hydrangeas!!
My July 4th decorating goes like this: a few days before Memorial Day, Phil puts the flag up on our front porch. Sometime after July 4th, I take it down and put it away til next year. I always mean to do more, but I’m too busy enjoying the sunshine.
Origami is like magic to me. I’m in awe of the simple designs as much as the conolicated designs.
Origami IS magic. 🙂
I am glad that you are too busy to decorate because you are enjoying the sunshine. That’s more important. 🙂
Julia at Home on 129 Acres
I love your shadow (aka, Millie). Thanks for the Canada Day wishes. Happy Independence Day to you. We have a Canada 150 flag flying over the farm, and I’m now on a week’s holiday, so enjoying a special holiday weekend and then a (hopefully) productive week off full of gardening and projects.
That sounds like a great plan for a lovely holiday week. Enjoy!
Stacy, the garden (and BHH) looks wonderful! Incredible transformation!
The personal items are my favourite part – I love to learn about the lives of the people behind blogs.
Thank you! I’m also glad that the personal stuff isn’t off-putting. 🙂
I agree with carolbaby…the personal parts are fun to read. Somehow, I missed that you had three sons (in addition to your daughter). I was thinking there were only two boys. Whoops!
The landscaping looks great. Did you put anything under the mulch before spreading it to help prevent weeds? I just received a hydrangea for my birthday. Need to study up on where to plant it and care for it. Are they relatively easy?
Thank you! Yes, we have a full house. The two middle boys are super private online, and out of respect for their wishes, I do not post about them much on social media or here on the blog. As a result, my parental love seems unbalanced, but that is definitely not true. 🙂
I did not put anything under the mulch. I’ve been using straight vinegar in a sprayer to zap any weeds that come through. Hydrangeas are easy as long as you plant them in the right place. The little one that I planted this spring is struggling because the soil is too wet. I need to move it. The hydrangea that I planted in a good spot (by luck!) is very easy. I fertilize it once in the spring and just sit back and enjoy it the rest of the summer. I do not have to water mine since we get a lot of rain, but if you live in a dryer climate, you might have to water yours now and then.
Props to you for respecting their privacy! In today’s world where so many parents overshare about their children, I think it’s awesome that you are so respectful and aware.
Thank you for the support. 🙂