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Dining Room Renovation – ORC Week 2

Week one can be summed up in two words: cleaning closets.

Let me explain because as you will notice, there are no closets in our dining room.

The scenario goes something like this:

We have just completed the demo on a room. (In this case, the dining room.) I am feeling great about the project ahead. I carefully drape everything that needs to be protected in a layer of plastic and secure it at the edges. I am smiling.


I visit Lowe’s and daydream a little. The whole world is awesome. I pick up paint and supplies. I think to myself, This room is going to be so good. It might even be the best one we have done so far.

When I return home, I drop my supplies on the floor. I look around and think, Wow! There is a lot to paint in here. My stomach flip-flops uneasily. I look at all of that ornate woodwork on the windows, and the walls, and the doorways. It is so beautiful yet so time-consuming to paint. My smile fades.
I think about all of the painting we have done thus far, mentally counting the gallons of paint we have used. (around 50 counting the exterior) Motivation wanes. Then, I remember the deadline. gulp. It is looming. I give myself a pep talk. I rally. We can do this. I plan out the entire task, day-by-day, to meet the deadline. Then, I ignore my plan for three days as the work starts piling up.

Finally, when I realize that I have to start TODAY or I might not meet the deadline, my brain sends me a very clear message:

Have you looked at the hall closet lately? Disaster! It must be addressed immediately. In fact, that closet is now your highest priority task. Drop everything. Everything!

And I do. I spend precious hours emptying, sorting, cleaning and placing it all back inside where no one but my family will ever see it.
That is my method. The house might fall down around me, but you can bet that the closets are clean.

And here’s the kicker. I meet my deadline anyway, and I feel confident that I will meet this one too.

According to Parkinson’s law, “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” But, I know that it also shrinks.

Why all the worry and hand-wringing in the first place? After all, the ORC is six weeks long. Well, for us, it is a little shorter. At the end of August, we invited everyone on our street to come to a party at our house. The date? October 22. That means that despite the fact that we have had since the end of August to get the dining room together, we are now down to ten days to complete the bulk of this project, and finish the front door, and clean the entire house from top to bottom, and, and, and… You get it. It is time to clean a closet. 

I am kidding. It is time to get off this computer and pick up a paint brush.

Please tell me I am not alone here. Does anyone else procrastinate in a similar way?

Next week, there will be some real dining room progress to show, and I will share some of my early favorite projects from the One Room Challenge™.  Please be sure to visit all of the other ORC linking participants and the Twenty designer projects at Calling it Home.

This post it also shared at Thoughts of Home on Thursday.


  • Ame Jo
    Posted October 13, 2016 at 11:42 am

    You’re not at all alone! In August, I ripped out the builder grade bathroom mirror/medicine cabinet/light from our master bath a few hours before I was expecting house guests to arrive for a week. Prior to that, the new mirror for that space had been sitting in my dining room for a week. I find that people coming over for any kind of even slightly more than casual visit is a procrastination-enhancer. But the day before/morning of arrival? FLURRY OF ACTIVITY! FINISH ALL THE THINGS!

    You have a lot to paint, though. Stop procrastinating 😉

    • Post Author
      Posted October 14, 2016 at 7:58 am

      This made me laugh. I can relate. Last week, I texted Andy something like this: “How mad would you be if I tore out the stair runner and the runner throughout the second floor?”
      He replied, “Very, unless the dining room, front door, and screen doors are finished.”
      I responded, “Just asking for a friend.”

      I did not rip out the runner, but I really wanted to. (He would not really have been mad.)

  • Harper
    Posted October 13, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    You mean there is a way to do it that doesn’t involve procrastination and closet cleaning?! 🙂

    • Post Author
      Posted October 14, 2016 at 7:54 am

      Thank you! You really get me. 😀

  • Gayle
    Posted October 13, 2016 at 1:18 pm

    I would procrastinate by cooking or reading not another chore?

    • Post Author
      Posted October 14, 2016 at 7:54 am

      I think I punish myself with a chore because I’m avoiding a chore. Perhaps that is something to work out in therapy. 😀

  • Jen @ Noting Grace
    Posted October 13, 2016 at 2:31 pm

    How therapeutic is this post knowing that someone else goes off on bunny trails when the obvious work is right in front of them. I’ve had weeks to hem my son’s pants for a wedding this weekend, and I have yet to touch the pants. Bunny trails here, there and everywhere.

    You are so not alone in this! Are you like me in the fact that the looming deadline makes my more faster and more productive? I kinda nail it out pretty quickly when I know there’s a due date!

    You got this and I am still swooning over those windows!

    • Post Author
      Posted October 14, 2016 at 7:52 am

      Yay! I am not alone. 🙂 I think I am like you. Once I focus, I buckle down and get the work done. Now, go get those pants hemmed. 😀

  • Kelly
    Posted October 14, 2016 at 9:38 am

    I should be finishing my online Defensive Driving class (dismisses a speeding ticket). But, here I sit reading your blog, lol!

    DD is SOOOOOO boring! How can they spend half an hour talking about ABS?? ugh, I so don’t want to sit through anymore, lol!

    • Post Author
      Posted October 14, 2016 at 10:12 am

      Thank you for procrastinating with me. I’m honored to be the one keeping you away from Defensive Driving class. 😀

  • Lynn Spencer
    Posted October 17, 2016 at 6:16 am

    Stacy, first off…I love the bones of that beautiful dining room! Oh my…the dining room of my dreams…leaded windows AND a fireplace. Oh…it’s just really lovely.OK…enough drooling over your dining room.
    My modus operandii is when I have an overwhelmingly long list of to-dos, I take a nap. Believe me, with the current one room challenge, I’ve been taking lots of naps!
    How’s the painting going?

    Hugs, Lynn

    • Post Author
      Posted October 17, 2016 at 7:41 am

      Thank you, Lynn. It is a really special room. <3 I completely support your naps. 😀 The painting is going really well. I spent a full weekend painting, and I will be back at it for the next few days.

  • Jamie
    Posted October 18, 2016 at 4:41 pm

    Yep, I can relate. When I have a looming deadline, my default is to organize all the food in our kitchen cabinets or deep clean the fridge. Because that ceiling may still need to be sanded, but at least all the pasta has been arranged according to shape ?

    But I think this could be a good thing. You know you work well under pressure, so you’re just actively creating the situation where you know you will thrive. At least, that’s the story I tell myself!

    • Post Author
      Posted October 21, 2016 at 7:44 am

      LOL! The pasta arranged by shape… I like your take on my procrastination method. It is very “glass half full,” which I appreciate. 🙂

  • Kari @prairiegirlhome
    Posted October 27, 2016 at 11:22 pm

    Okay, I don’t know how I got so behind on checking your blog, but I am nodding along the entire way! Yes! I procrastinate, work on other projects, then tell myself I did good, because at least I was productive and then kick myself the next day when I realize how much I have left to do. Cycle repeats. You are doing awesome!

    • Post Author
      Posted October 28, 2016 at 8:39 am

      Procrastinators unite! (Eventually, after we put off uniting for awhile.)

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