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A Fresh Coat of Paint is Like an Eraser

The progress is steady in my closet. I have been posting real-time updates on our Instagram story, but it is hard to describe tasks in ten-second segments. Right now, the project is on target for a reveal next week. It’s time. Ten days in, and I am good and tired of seeing the mini explosion of my closet contents strewn about our bedroom.

I certainly have not been working for ten days straight, but I did spend a good two days painting the walls and woodwork. Even though it is just the inside of a closet, I could not talk myself into skipping a few details. I am a one and done kind of person. I have no desire to repeat this project because I cut corners.

Prep was straightforward. First, everything got a good wipe-down, and I put a thin bead of caulk where the woodwork meets the plaster walls.


Then, everything but the walls and ceiling received a coat of oil-based primer. Oil-based primer is not my favorite product to use. It can be finicky, but it was the correct product for this application. I followed the primer with two coats of regular latex paint.

(Tip: Last year, I wrote a content-heavy post about using an oil-based primer.

Now, the closet truly is a clean slate. A fresh coat of paint is the perfect eraser. Magically, this 135-year-old closet looks nearly brand new. 

Yesterday, I drew the plan and cut some of the wood for the custom insert for my hamper and shoes. Once that is complete, it will be time to put everything back into the closet and get it off our bedroom floor. I cannot wait.

I am curious about our readers. Are you Instagram users? Do you like following both the blog and Instagram? Do you watch IG stories? If you enjoy our stories (or not), what would you like to see when you watch them? I would love to know.

P.S. The colors I used are Agreeable Gray (walls) and Citilite (trim) by Sherwin-Williams. I chose both because I already had them on hand. This is a budget-friendly project.




  • Patti
    Posted January 17, 2018 at 1:09 pm

    I don’t have an Instagram account, nor do I want one, so I can’t view stories. I can view photos and such, so I do that from time to time and those are just mini blog posts to me. Don’t the stories disappear after a time? Why put so much effort into something that goes away? Or do I just not understand the stories feature?

    • Post Author
      Posted January 17, 2018 at 1:51 pm

      Thank you for answering, Patti. To answer your question about stories, they do disappear after 24 hours. It is possible to keep a story in the highlights tab for an indefinite amount of time, but it is rare that I do so.

      I use stories to supplement what I might be doing at the moment. I often point out particular things I am doing that may not warrant an entire blog post. I also use them to give a low-key glimpse into our lives outside of DIY.

  • Candice
    Posted January 17, 2018 at 1:53 pm

    I read your blog and follow you on Instagram. But I very rarely look at IG Stories. I don’t have the time, and what a lot of others post on stories is garbage. I did enjoy your bathroom wall review on stories, but I only saw it because you talked about it in a regular IG post.

    • Post Author
      Posted January 17, 2018 at 1:57 pm

      Thanks, Candice. I do try to keep our IG story relevant to the blog and regular IG content. However, I sometimes stray off-topic. Yesterday, for instance, I posted some snow play pictures and video.

      • Candice
        Posted January 17, 2018 at 2:38 pm

        I will try to check out your stories from time to time! I think you’re an interesting person and you seem very genuine. Your house, running, origami, those are all cool things that I enjoy reading about.

        • Post Author
          Posted January 17, 2018 at 5:58 pm

          That’s a very nice compliment to receive. Thank you.

  • carolbaby
    Posted January 17, 2018 at 2:34 pm

    Was a pretty heavy instagram user until mid-to-late last year – at that point I’d just had it with the endless adverts and the non-linear timeline. I’d have to say that leaving has been infinitely better for my mental health!

    I’d did watch stories (all the stories!), but looking back, that’s just another way instagram keeps the user glued to the platform – the FOMO and all that (similar to the withholding of likes).

    I do miss seeing your more informal updates though! (And I do love a mix of BHH and non-BHH content)

    Oh – and closet looks fab so far, I’m interested to see what you do with the hamper and shoe storage.

    • Post Author
      Posted January 17, 2018 at 6:01 pm

      The non-linear timeline is very annoying. I agree. I hear your frustrations about social media in general, and I nod my head in agreement. I have a love/hate relationship with it for sure.

      Thanks for the feedback on the closet. I’m excited to share the reveal next week.

  • Liz
    Posted January 17, 2018 at 5:56 pm

    I might look at Instagram if I remember, but it might be a weekly basis. I have no idea what “stories” are, although I see other bloggers reference them. But I guess I’m old school and always have my sound off on my phone, and I hate looking at videos on my phone. So stories might not be for me. I get annoyed when a newspaper site posts video – its a newspaper, its supposed to be READ!!!! not Viewed, that would be TV! So I’ll just get updated with all your house stuff on your blog.

    • Post Author
      Posted January 17, 2018 at 5:57 pm

      Sounds perfectly fine to me, Liz. Thanks for reading!

  • Holly
    Posted January 17, 2018 at 9:00 pm

    I LOVE me some bright white trim! It’s so crisp!

    • Post Author
      Posted January 18, 2018 at 10:43 am

      Thanks, Holly! 🙂

  • SH
    Posted January 17, 2018 at 10:02 pm

    I enjoy your stories quite alot. They show more personality, and I like the snippets of your thought process and progress. From my point of view, don’t change a thing. I detect two differences from above comments: I watch stories on my laptop, not phone, so I can’t swipe up, plus I have a very limited “following” selection so not overwhelmed with stories.
    Look forward to the construction phase in the closet, I’m curious about the shoe storage.

    • Post Author
      Posted January 18, 2018 at 10:45 am

      Thank you, SH. 🙂 I just noticed a couple of weeks ago, that stories are available on laptop/desktop instead of just the app on a phone or tablet.

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