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Girl’s Bedroom – Week 2

Things are moving right along in M.’s bedroom. Andy and the kids removed the wallpaper over the weekend. I did not help at all. I am becoming adept at wandering around with a broom and “looking busy” so I do not have to run the steamer or scrape the walls. It is not that I do not want to scrape wallpaper off the walls. No. That’s not true. I do not want to scrape wallpaper off the walls. I am pretty sure that Andy has caught onto my complete uselessness with this task, but he is playing it cool. He has not said a word.

Andy seems to have a pretty good system. He steams and the kids scrape or vice versa. The job definitely goes by more quickly if there are at least two people working. Since we have hardwood floors, we do not even put floor covering down anymore. Some of the wet bits of paper do stick to the floor, but as we are sweeping, we just run a scraper under any sticky pieces, and they pop right off.
The walls are in good shape. Only a large gap under the small window needs significant repair.
The gap under the window is actually a continuation of the mess in the adjoining guest room that occurred as a result of last winter’s ice dams. The damage developed along same wall, under the adjoining windows.

The closet will require some attention, but with vigorous scoring prior to steaming, the painted wallpaper loosened up easier than expected. That’s what I hear anyway. I was busy carrying around a broom.
By Sunday night, wallpaper removal was complete.
If you follow us on Instagram, you know that Andy was on a roll. He removed the wallpaper in the dining room too. He completed the job in record time because he had plans to go out with a friend. Essentially, he was motivated by football and beer. Whatever works, I say. I will share our dining room plans in a future post, but for now, our focus remains on M.’s room.

I also shared on Instagram that I did some trash picking over the weekend. In our town, people leave items on the curb, and anyone is welcome to come by and pick them up. I scored a large, solid wood mirror for M.’s wall. Our original plan that will be modified to accommodate the new-to-us mirror. As a reminder, this was the original mock-up:
The mirror I found is not that large, but M. is petite, and it will work great at her.

In other news, I am finding little bits of time to work on M.’s coverlet. I am enjoying the process more than I imagined, so I have decided to make it into a full quilt. I will likely hire out the actual quilting to someone with a long-arm machine, and I will piece the top and bind it. Here is a little peek:

I have never made a quilt before, but I am pretty sure my Mom, who is a skilled quilter, will take pity on me if I get in over my head. Mom, you are reading this, right?

This is definitely the all work, no play portion of this renovation and decorating project. We have reached the point in which we have torn up everything so completely that we cannot reverse our actions, and putting it all back together seems like more work than we would really like to take on. Pillow fluffing and the full reveal seem like only a fantasy.

Girl’s Bedroom Project Plan
Girl’s Bedroom Week 1


  • Jamie
    Posted January 26, 2016 at 5:30 pm

    It’s coming along great! Thank goodness that the plaster was in good shape under the wallpaper.

    I can’t wait to see what the coverlet looks like when it’s done. I’m sure your daughter will love it, especially since it was handmade for her.

    And isn’t trash picking a blast? We have a similar system around here and have found some great things.

    • Post Author
      Posted January 28, 2016 at 7:11 am

      Thanks, Jamie. I have never lived anywhere else where trash picking is expected and embraced. I did live in a huge Freecycle community, but we always put notes on our things so no one would take them first. That was considered stealing. I still feel a twinge of worry when I take something from beside the road. I think, “What if they left it out for someone else?” 😀

  • Heather
    Posted January 28, 2016 at 12:24 pm

    Ugh removing wallpaper is such a PITA, but also hugely rewarding when it’s done. Thank goodness the plaster was in good shape and there’s wasn’t too much gunk left behind! I can’t wait for spring aka yard sale season around here!

    • Post Author
      Posted January 28, 2016 at 1:07 pm

      You are so right. It is such a pain. I hope you find some good stuff in the spring!

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