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A Little DIY Window Project

We are finally making measurable progress on our #30ProjectsIn30Days list. Over the weekend, Andy and I finished a few key projects, and our momentum began to snowball just like I hoped it would.

One little task that was on the list was changing the window covering on the street-side basement window. When the exterior of BHH was green, the window covering that Dorothy chose was perfect. The yellow and green plastic curtain was a cheerful pop of color.

Once we repainted the exterior Hale Navy and Monterey White, the curtain colors were completely wrong.

Benjamin Moore Hale Navy Heritage Red

Even though the plastic curtain no longer matched, we liked the privacy offered by keeping the window covered. After some thought, we chose frosted window film as a replacement for the curtain, and it turned out to be a super easy DIY.

DIY Window Film Installation

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For this DIY project, you will need the following supplies:

  1. Window film
  2. Window film application solution
  3. A squeegee or paint edger
  4. A utility knife with a sharp blade.

Gila® also sells the tools and solution as a package deal. Buying the kit is a great option if you do not already have most of the tools on hand. In fact, the cost of the full application kit is cheaper than a single bottle of application solution.

The Method

After I removed the old plastic curtains, I gave the window a good scrub, inside and out. Then, I measured the window panes and cut the film as close to the same size as possible. Cutting the film slightly larger is better than cutting it too small. (Project note: Apply the film to the inside of the window.)

Working with one pane at a time, I sprayed the glass with the application solution, making sure to direct the product into the corners too.

Next, I aligned the pre-cut film on the pane vertically and used a paint edger to squeeze out all of the bubbles, working horizontally from the center out to each side.

Using gentle pressure, I pushed the film firmly against the window frame and cut off the excess with a utility knife, using the paint edger as a guide and straightedge.

I repeated the method on the remaining panes. Then, I wiped each pane one last time with a soft cloth to get rid of small bubbles and debris.

I love how this window looks now. We have the privacy we want, and we did not have to replace the glass panes.

Applying the window film was so simple. The entire project took about 30 minutes. Window film comes in a few sizes and various styles ranging from decorative to reflective. I chose the basic frosted window film because we wanted a classic, low-profile look.

I bought the 36″ X 6 1/2′ roll because I need the leftover for a future project. However, the standard sidelight size sells for half the price, and the narrow width would have been perfect for these smaller window panes.

It is worth noting that a job this size is manageable for one person. However, if you opt to use this film on a large window, a second set of hands will be useful. (Remember the stencil fiasco? Learn from my mistakes.)

Oh, how I love these easy and completely satisfying projects.

The regular weekly 30 Projects in 30 Days link-up post will be out on Thursday. I am enjoying following your progress via your blog links and social media. Keep up the good work!


  • Chad
    Posted September 19, 2017 at 10:50 am

    I should probably have done this to my basement windows ages ago. I ordered my bathroom window with similar plain frosted glass and like the way that works a lot. Except that they gave me a half screen that doesn’t seal around the window quite right since I open that one from the top instead of the bottom.

    • Post Author
      Posted September 20, 2017 at 7:03 am

      We have some ill-fitting screens here too.

  • Devyn
    Posted September 19, 2017 at 12:49 pm

    Hale (Navy) Yes!
    I have two basement windows which look directly onto the sidewalk that need this treatment. The PO had lace curtains, but that doesn’t quite work for us.

    • Post Author
      Posted September 20, 2017 at 7:05 am

      Are you sure I cannot convince you to rethink lace? 😀 There were quite a few lace curtains around here when we moved into BHH.

  • SH
    Posted September 19, 2017 at 3:17 pm

    I thought that the green and yellow curtain should go well with navy blue, but with the “after,” I see how wrong I was! It looks nice from the outside and still lets in quite a bit of light. This is the first time I remember seeing the view from your house out to the street. And you mention using the treatment on a future project. Hmmm, the future but still sometime this year?

    • Post Author
      Posted September 20, 2017 at 7:06 am

      Oops! I was more cryptic than I intended. The leftover goes on another basement window. However, that window is moldy and needs serious attention. I doubt I will get to it this year.

  • Andy
    Posted September 19, 2017 at 7:18 pm

    I love what you’re doing with your beautiful house. Keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see what you do next.

    • Post Author
      Posted September 20, 2017 at 7:08 am

      Ha! Everyone, meet Andy.

      Andy, you’ll find out what we are doing next soon. I’ll leave you a list. 😀 You’ll learn to love it.

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