One Room Challenge
The One Room Challenge starts this week. I have never been as prepared for the challenge as I am this round. Going into the ORC with over 10K followers on Instagram is a new experience. Over the past few weeks, several companies have reached out to offer sponsorships. Strangely, I haven’t said yes to any. 10K land is a weird mash-up of being offered $500 crystal chandeliers for very little effort or a $10 item (retail) for a full blog post, six Instagram stories, and two high-quality in-feed images. To be clear, I do enjoy marketing for companies that bring value to you and line up with my goals for BHH. However, I am selective–very selective.
For the spring One Room Challenge, I am excited to get into the “why” of my decisions vs. the white knuckle drive-by of what happened during the past week. Get ready for the next eight Thursdays! I am sure there will be some ups and downs, but that’s the nature of the ORC.

The Podcast
Last Monday, I released an entertaining episode with Karyn Norwood. Karyn started an educational side project photographing and labeling the defining features of old American architecture. While I certainly enjoy her Instagram account, the Pinterest version is great because it’s all sorted into different categories.

True Tales From Old Houses lives on its own website, but I dropped the player below in case you want to listen here.
This week the spring fundraising merchandise event starts too. If you love the show, you can share your excitement with a t-shirt, hoodie, or work apron.

Latex or Oil Paint?
Finally, if you don’t have Instagram or you missed my Reel, here’s a little 30-second video on how to tell the difference between latex and oil paint and why it matters.
Have a great week!