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One Room Challenge Week 5 | The Scary Bathroom

It’s week FIVE of the One Room Challenge. Week five is usually when the following thought hits me: I need a staff. My enthusiasm is waning; The work is not. Even so, I think I’m ok? That question mark ending is not a typo.

This week has just been pure physical labor without a pretty little detail in sight. Realistically, we have four days left to finish up all the dirty work, and it is going to be tough. I have two obligations that I cannot skip, and now I have to take a trip to Canada tomorrow. Let me explain.

Handling Disappointment Like a Champ

During this entire project, I have struggled with how to handle storage. The Scary Bathroom is generously sized, but there is only one shallow cabinet built into the room.

Since we have six people in our family, no way is that tiny cabinet enough.

During weeks one through three, I tried valiantly to create built-in storage between the toilet and the wall. Sadly, I ran into both a stud and a cast iron pipe.

My plan B was always the FABRIKÖR cabinet by IKEA. However, after a lot of thinking, I decided it was the wrong size for the room. Since I have no time left to be creative, I asked for your ideas on Instagram. What would I do without you guys? No really, what would I do without all of you?

By far, the most popular idea was a sideboard or buffet. After a brief search on my local Craigslist, I found the perfect piece. I reached out to the seller more than once, but sadly, they never responded. Today was the only day I had available to pick it up. I can’t swing the three-hour round trip any other day, but I am handling the disappointment like a champ. Stuffing my face with candy is a proper coping mechanism, right? On to plan C.

Another great idea from one of my IG followers (shout out to Elizabeth!) was the BRIMNES cabinet from IKEA instead of the FABRIKÖR.

I know. It’s not the same as a solid wood piece, but at this point, I don’t have a lot of choices. I will keep looking for a higher quality solution, but in the interim, two of these cabinets will work beautifully. I will spruce them up a bit with different handles and perhaps a custom top if I have the time to swing it. Someday, when I find the perfect piece again, I will use these cabinets somewhere else. They will not go to waste.

Since our nearest IKEA is across the border in Canada. I’m grabbing my friend Holly, and we are taking a road trip tomorrow.

Everything Else

  • The Marble Sink – That project is humming right along. I am having only marginal success removing the rust stains, but fortunately, I am not into perfection.
  • Wainscoting Restoration – Restoring the wainscoting is going very well. Removing the old finish takes a lot of scrubbing, but the effort is paying off. After I clean the last section, I will be able to seal it all with shellac. (tutorial coming!)
  • The floor – I am a little nervous about the floor. We have not even attempted to remove the adhesive yet. After that, I still have to paint. Since there is no plan B if that does not work, I am just sending good vibes out into the world and hoping for the best. If you would like to cross your fingers too, that would be excellent.
  • The clawfoot tub – I haven’t started this yet either.

Ok. Writing that bullet list is stressing me out, so I’ll stop there. Denial is my happy place.

Many of the featured designers and the other guest participants are feeling the same way I am. Please take a look at their projects and progress and cheer them all the way to the finish. We are in this together.

Until next week, I’ll be over on Instagram.

Read about The Scary Bathroom from the beginning: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 |

PS: If you are interested in our past ORC projects, here are the links:

Kitchen Pantry | Street Side Front Porch | Library | Breakfast Nook (featured in This Old House magazine! | Dining Room


  • Samantha
    Posted November 1, 2018 at 7:55 pm

    I admire your perseverance! Also your willingness to drive 3 hrs for the perfect piece! There’s nothing worse than falling in love with a perfect piece on Craigslist only to have the person go radio silent on you. 🙁 No bueno. Good luck and have fun at IKEA!! 🙂

    • Post Author
      Posted November 2, 2018 at 6:15 am

      Thank you, Samantha!

  • Betsy
    Posted November 2, 2018 at 9:52 am

    Ha – “fortunately, I am not into perfection” is my motto these days, too. I am so in awe of all the elbow grease you’re putting into that bathroo, though! It’s going to look amazing.

    • Post Author
      Posted November 8, 2018 at 5:00 pm

      Thank you, Betsy. I missed this comment before. I would have responded sooner. I’m sorry about that. Perfection is overrated, right?

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