Yesterday, I wrote about organizing the workshop. When I write blog posts on this subject, I often get two distinct responses. The first is from people who are into it. They can’t get enough of decluttering and label makers. They feel pieces of their soul click click click back into place every time they see things arranged neatly.
The other response is decidedly more passive-aggressive. Something about watching other people get their stuff ($h*t) together doesn’t land with them. It brings up a lot of feelings. I am not here to label those feelings (ha!), but I do recognize them.
Since I will be writing about this subject a lot during 2021, I want to set the record straight about my motivation for organizing, and I hope most people will be able to relate.

My motivation for getting and staying organized is to be able to
- find things quickly, and
- save money
That’s it. It is not because it’s January, or I’m a blogger, or I have OCD. When I need something, I want to find it, and I want to avoid spending money due to careless mistakes and overbuying.
Have you ever felt frustrated looking for tools, tax documents, or lost homework? Me too. Have you bounced a check or missed an appointment or deadline? Me too. Did you buy three tape measures because you lost two? Me too.

Maybe it’s not such a bad idea to spend some time getting the house in order.
Who Says You Need to Get Organized?
I do have a few thoughts about organization that might surprise you. I believe that if your desk is piled high with stacks of paper or your shop is filled to the brim, but you can put your hand on what you need within a couple of minutes, you’re organized.
If you remember to sign your kids’ homework or permission slips 98% of the time, you’re organized. Do you remember to pick them up from school or practice 99% of the time? You’re exceptionally organized. If your percentages are off, but you have a well-executed back-up plan, you’re still organized.
File your taxes on time? Organized. Prepared for a meeting right on the dot? Organized. See where I am going with this? If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.
When a lack of organization starts affecting your life negatively, it’s time to make a change.

Here’s Where You Can Put That Label Maker.
The eye-rolling often starts when it comes to the method, which is such a small part of the big picture. I offer tips and tricks as a leaping off point, but like everything you read, your mileage may vary. It’s not about label makers or matching bins, even though I like both of those items very much.

Let your priorities determine your method.
I am here to help.

I really like this post! It’s shocking that because of some people’s reaction, you have to justify purging, decluttering, and organizing.
Thank you, Brenda. 🙂