I am not even going to attempt to bury the lede. A few weeks ago, I texted my realtor friend and asked her when we should consider listing BHH. She replied that the housing market starts to heat up in March. Because Western New York has such abysmal winter weather, house hunting comes to a screeching halt in November. So, we will be putting BHH on the market in March 2024. Gulp…

I try to keep it real here, even at the risk of worrying my mother, who reads from afar. (Hi, mom!) The news that I have less than a year to get this house ready makes me waffle between excitement and mild panic. Recently, I also learned that I will have to have major surgery with a twelve-week recovery. So, while I should be up and moving well within a couple of weeks post-op, I will be wholly restricted from lifting, exercising, and basically, anything else I regularly enjoy for the full twelve weeks. Ugh…
Winter would be the perfect time to lay low and recover from surgery, but there are some unknowns. I also need a biopsy, which has pushed the timetable to sometime in early summer. Unfortunately, that means I’ll lose most of the warm weather I rely on to complete outdoor tasks, compressing the exterior maintenance timeline for BHH into the next few weeks.
To that end, I’ll focus on repointing the foundation, window restoration, and finishing the details on the street-side front porch.

Between exterior maintenance tasks, I’ll keep plugging away at the staircase restoration. I know everyone is very excited about following along with that project, but I think it is something I may be able to do standing upright or sitting down, and it may fit well with the latter part of my recovery. If not, I have an alternate plan in my back pocket. I always do.

At this time, I’m thinking only good thoughts for the biopsy, surgery, and everything else. I can only do so much here, and what is left undone won’t be the end of the world. I do have kids who can fetch things for me and take direction well. I’ve also got a small stash of cash to pay people to help, and maybe I’ll learn to love lying around doing nothing. Here’s hoping that’s true!

Best wishes for a successful surgery and clear biopsy! Twelve weeks feels long but perhaps it will go by quickly. Like you said, do what you can to the house and that will be good enough.
Thank you so much, Candice.
Susan Grinsfelder
Thinking good thoughts for your biopsy, surgery, & recovery, Stacy. ?????
Thank you, Susan!
GingerCashio GingerCashio
I’m wishing you all the good thoughts and the perfect outcome to all that you’re dealing with. I will miss this blog in a short year.
Thank you, Ginger. You can’t get rid of me so easily. 😀 The blog will continue.
Sending lots of good wishes for the biopsy, surgery, and recovery! I’m sure everything will work out well, for you and for BHH!
Thank you, Johanna!
SoPo Cottage
Wishing you the best with the biopsy and surgery. But my guess is you’ll figure out how to get things done one way or another! ? Surely you can strip paint sitting down while the kids move things for you!!
Thank you! You’re right; I’ll figure it out. I always do. 😀
Sending positive thoughts for your surgery and recovery!
Thank you, Brenda!
I’m sending all my good vibes your way, too! Too bad we can’t trade dispositions for those 12 weeks; I, unfortunately, LOVE sitting around doing nothing. ?
So glad your work will continue when you leave BHH, it adds so much to the world!
Haha! If only we could body swap. 🙂 Thank you for the well wishes!
Wishing you the best for surgery, recovery, and healing! Life has a funny way of happening all at once, doesn’t it? Like Marnie, I also love sitting around, so please adopt some of our vibes for that time!
Thank you, Jenny. Life sure does have a way of happening all at once. You’re right!
Barbara H.
Our best laid plans …you know the drill. Holding good thoughts for you! I had a little fantasy daydream for you this morning that someone who loves the house buys it from you off market and lets you live there rent free until time to move with no further restoration work needed by you because they have deep pockets and will take care of it all. Wish I had those kind of daydreams for myself!
Thank you, now, how can we make this daydream a reality? haha!
southern gal
OMG the best comment!!
wishing this for you too!
Michelle Dembik
Wishing you the best for all that is ahead of you and hoping you find someone who will love Blake Hill House and take care of her the way you have!
Thank you so much, Michelle. 🙂
Even though you are only in the just-talking-about-it stage, and not actually packing up and driving away, it is still so emotional. Really, really glad that the blog will continue with you and your future adventures. But still…
It IS emotional. Change is often difficult.
still recovering from my emergency surgery – and frustrated with the limits of weight and activity – so i can commiserate
sending good wishes that it all goes well. Glad you have your children to help out!
I really hope you turn a corner soon so you can get back to the projects you enjoy.
Hi Stacy – I hope your surgery and recovery go well. I wanted you to know it’s because of YOU that I’ve started repointing my own stone foundation. Your online video gave me the courage to take on the project and I’ve gained a new skill that I actually enjoy. And it’s saved us a great deal of money. Thank you!
Hi Blair,
I am so sorry that I didn’t reply to your comment until today. I am typically much better at keeping up. I saved things to do during my recovery period, but I never should have waited this long to get back to you.
I am SO pleased to hear that the repointing info and video helped you move forward on your own project. That’s great news. I hope you are having a lovely summer! It’s perfect repointing weather. 🙂
Mary Ellen Polson
Stacy: Very sorry to hear about the surgery and enforced post-op period . Hope all went well and you are in swift recovery mode. (Getting your energy back is the hard part.)
As for selling your beloved house, I know that’s especially wrenching but as I recall you and your partner aren’t working in the same place. If you need a portable job that pays actual money, let me know.
Hi Mary Ellen,
The forced rest has begun… 🙂 I am super sad about selling BHH, and I do miss Andy. So, it will be good to be in the same place permanently.