If you love old houses, DIY, and travel with a focus on architecture and history, we are going to be fast friends. Blake Hill House offers trustworthy information, window restoration workshops, and consultations to help DIYers move past the project paralysis of old house ownership.
The Case for Historic Windows: The Truth About Energy Efficiency and old Windows
Scott Sidler & Stacy Grinsfelder

“This book removes the assumptions from the energy efficiency argument and provides empirical data.”
-Steve Jordan

The Latest Blog Entries

Embracing Uncertainty in the New Year
I’m not going to lie. 2023 was one of the weirdest and most unsettling years for me yet. On a global scale, the world seems

Travelogue: Quebec City, PEI, and the Canadian Maritimes
As an avid traveler, wanderlust hits me hard each summer. Oh, who am I kidding? Wanderlust hits me every 4-6 months, especially since I’ve been

Main Bathroom Renovation: Layout & Plans
During the past few weeks, I have been working on the main bathroom renovation plan. I had such a nightmare experience with the guest bath

New Front Steps & Handrails
When I knew that my summer was going to be full of downtime, I was suddenly scrambling to figure out how to get a few

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