I can’t believe that it has already been over one year since the complete gut remodel of the kitchen here at BHH.
Neither Andy nor I have any regrets about the money we spent on this remodel. We love it.
I was ridiculously thorough about planning where to store everything in the new kitchen, and most of my choices have stuck. Over the past year, we moved a couple of utensils, and I had to explain my reasoning for the location of a few kitchen items. However, overall, the layout is intuitive, and everything has its proper place. What a satisfying feeling.
I still have a couple of design regrets, but they do not keep me up at night. Both are related to the refrigerator wall.
1. Facing the fridge, down on the lower left: Instead of a regular cabinet, I wish I had put a bank of drawers there, just like the one by the stove. Drawers are my favorite type of kitchen storage.
2. Along the same wall, presently occupied by a single picture, I wish we had added a second floor-to-ceiling cabinet. Even though I am used to it now, I think that space would look better without such a wide gap between the cabinet and the pantry door.
Again, none of these issues is a dealbreaker.
In the past twenty years, we have lived with seven kitchens in six different houses. The new kitchen here at BHH is my favorite. Of course, that makes sense since we designed it from scratch to fit the exact needs of our family. We may never be so lucky again.
One thing that has not changed over twenty years is the fact that we are paper-free in the kitchen. New kitchen or old, we utilize four products that align with our values.
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Paper Towel Substitutes
The fact that we do not use paper towels has been a long-time source of amusement for my mother. (Sorry for calling you out, Mom. It’s a good story; I promise.) When she sends packages, she packs the empty spaces with crumpled paper towels. Many years ago, when we first became paper-free, Andy oohed and ahhed over mom’s addition of paper towels as packing material as if they were the gift and not the contents of the package. This tickled my clever mom so much that she started adding a post-it note directly to the paper towels that read: For Andy. And thus, a long-standing joke was born.
Instead of paper towels, we use two products:
Super Chamois (synthetic) Cleaning Cloths
Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
Both serve different functions in the kitchen. We use the microfiber cloths for wiping up quick spills and dry messes primarily when we are cooking. The chamois are great for drying dishes, mopping up large wet spills, and drying the countertops, appliances, and cabinets after a thorough cleaning.
(What do we do with those paper towels that mom sends? We save them of course. I use them for the gross stuff, and by gross, I mean Millie. Dogs, am I right?)
For dishcloths or smaller wipes, we use Skoy eco-friendly cleaning cloths.
They are perfect for wiping down the table after a meal or washing pots and pans. (Love that snowy view outside the breakfast nook.)
I store all of our reusable cloths under the sink in a basket (on the left). We don’t even fold them since they are hidden away. They go right from the dryer directly into the basket.
(Laundry tip: Wash and dry your reusable cloths without fabric softener or dryer sheets. Both products will put a coating on the fibers, and the cloths will no longer be absorbent.)
My Morning Coffee
The last item that rounds out our paper-free kitchen is this stainless steel pour-over coffee filter. The brand we have is Glowcoast, but here is a comparable one.
This handy little filter makes a delicious cup of coffee. I like a robust brew, so I pour over twice. The first time, I pour the water onto the dry grounds. The second time, I pour the coffee over the wet grounds and into my mug.
I am the only coffee drinker in BHH, so the filter I linked is a perfect size for one cup at a time. This larger style, linked below, makes 4-6 cups at a time.
That’s it. Four simple reusable kitchen products save us money and help us lighten our footprint on the planet. Do you have any favorite reusable products? Do you keep a paper-free kitchen or household? Let me know.
My mom also regrets that she put some doors (I think a total of 2) where drawers would have been possible, and I learned from them and have no base cabinets with regular shelves behind doors.
I’ve had some guilt about using paper products. When I was in college I used old rags for all the general cleaning until my roommate put a moratorium on my dad’s old stretched out underpants wiped over the floors and countertops. I haven’t gone back to that since.
This weekend I had a Christmas party (china and crystal for 25, but I did put out paper napkins) and my mom lectured me when cleaning for it last week that light bulbs and glassware are to be cleaned with linen, not cotton.
I’m laughing about your roommate’s moratorium. That’s hilarious! I think a lot of us dusted with tighty whities. 😀
Thanks for your post about non-paper towels! We’ve been using a sponge for cleaning up counters, but I worry about the bacteria growing inside it. I’ve read where even placing the sponge in the dishwasher doesn’t kill all the little buggers. I do like the idea of the cloths, so I’m off to Amazon (via your links) to buy those!
And similarly to Chad – I recall my adolescent chore of dusting using my Dad’s old tightey-whiteys….I didn’t think it was weird at all back then, but I think back now with “ewwwww”.
Love your blog!
You’re welcome. I am not crazy about sponges for the very reasons you mention. I keep a few on hand for other types of clean-up, but I do not use them in the kitchen.
I have been chuckling about everyone dusting with tighty whities. 😀 When I was a kid, we did the same thing. With four kids, there is a lot of underwear rag potential around here. Sometimes I use them as construction rags, but mostly I just throw them away. When the kids were little, I used to cut the waistbands off worn-out underwear and reuse it on underwear that I sewed for them. Ah, the good old days. 🙂
Cindi M
Completely paper-free is difficult. I am impressed. I am down to 4 rolls of unbleached paper towels per year. I use dish rags to wash dishes (cheaper and longer lasting than sponges) and wipe counters and dish towels to dry dishes and my hands. I have paper plates for very occasional use, like when I have the flu, since I don’t have a dishwasher. Thrift store T-shirt’s are good for dusting, when I’m hoarding wearables. Really enjoying your postings. My store of state fair magic asorbable rags is running out so I may use your links to clean up doggie accidents.
Thank you, Cindi. Your judicious of paper makes complete sense, and I am so glad that you are enjoying the posts. I’m intrigued by the magic absorbable rags that you mention. I get a kick out of the product demonstrations at state fairs and home shows.
Me too. I have 2 cabinets that I think, “why didn’t I make these drawers”? Ugh.
I love the idea of a paper free kitchen. How do you clean the coffee maker? I imagine if you let the grounds dry you can tap the majority of them into the compost bin or trash can but do you end up with fine grounds down the drain?
Hi Sarah,
Thank you for your question. I am sorry that I missed this comment. I have found that scraping out the cone while the grounds are wet is the most efficient way to get rid of almost all of them. I use a spoon and a narrow spatula to clean the cone. There are a few fine grounds that go down the drain. Fortunately, paper filters and coffee grounds are both fully compostable if the stainless cone isn’t an option.