I know. I know. Not another gift guide. Look, we're getting down to the wire with shipping here. So, I thought I would put together a list of items I use or wear regularly and truly enjoy. So, if you're in a bind trying to choose a gift for someone, perhaps there is something here…
I know. It's another blogger gift guide, but please hear me out.
In 2015, I wrote a gift guide that included all of the toys that our kids played with year after year. Within that post, I linked only the best-of-the-best. We are not huge consumers who must have the newest shiny thing. Hopefully, that sentiment…
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Black Friday, Cyber Monday, & Small Business Saturday
When I was a young adult, I enjoyed Black Friday shopping. I chalk that up to the fact that pre-children, I had fewer obligations and a much stronger bladder. (Ladies, you know what I'm…
When I first met Andy, one of the most surprising things that he revealed about himself was that he had been raised Jewish. Until that time, my only experience with religious diversity was growing up non-Mormon in the state of Utah in the '70s and '80s. My parents always identified as Methodist, but there was…