...The Butler's Pantry by a landslide.
I must start off by saying that Andy and I had a great deal of fun watching this unfold. When I posted the poll, I thought to myself, Please let at least ten people vote so that I won't be completely humiliated. Good news! I am not completely humiliated. You came through for…
Welcome back. Friday, I posted all about choice #1, the upstairs hall. If you need more information about this two-part series, please read that post first. Also, thank you for putting up with our technical difficulties. We have had small server issues in that past, but this is the first outage that was more of…
It is almost 2017, and clearly, work on BHH has slowed down for us considerably. We like to head into the holiday season with very little on our plates. The holidays are busy enough without the upheaval of a renovation in progress. While the actual work eases up, we are always thinking about our next…