Hello, week three anxiety. I've been expecting you. Week three of the One Room Challenge is typically when I start getting antsy about finishing on time. The problem is that I am still destroying things when I feel as if I should be putting it all back together by now. It is my typical method…
It's week two, and I am already cutting my losses. I'm either getting smarter, or I am advancing through the stages of One Room Challenge panic at a faster rate than usual. Either way, six hours and only one surface into skim coating the bathroom walls, I had the following thought, I need to pay someone…
Last Friday, I was not sure if we would participate in this round of the One Room Challenge. Our spring project went from bad to worse, and I just wasn't sure I had it in me to tackle another project right now. After a lot of soul-searching, I decided that I like the punishment of…
Lately, I have been reflecting on our four years of DIY and renovation in BHH. It all started after a conversation with a new friend who loves old houses as much as I do. She and I both stalk real estate listings just for fun. Can any of you relate? She remembered BHH from its…
After all of our projects, especially One Room Challenge projects, I like to sit down to figure out the total cost. After four years of living here in BHH, we are getting pretty good at keeping a firm hand on the budget. Part of the reason for that is that we now own the tools…
Holy cow! After nearly four months, it is finally time to share the big reveal of our Street Side Front Porch. This poor project was the spring One Room Challenge that wasn’t. Mother Nature wreaked havoc by sending snow and cold weather for the first three weeks of the challenge. Then, just when it seemed that…