The Blake Hill House Blog
All blog posts are listed in chronological order in this section.

ORC Week Three: Refinished Stair Treads
Week three brought a significant change to the Fancy Foyer. The stair treads and landings are finished, and I feel relieved that we had the

ORC Week Two: Mistakes Were Made
Welcome back to week two of the One Room Challenge. As I write this, the stair treads are getting a makeover, so it seems like

ORC Week One – My Legacy Project
Well, well, well, here we are again. It’s One Room Challenge time. First, let me point out the elephant in the room. Long-time readers may

Main Bathroom Update: Plans? What Plans?
It seems fitting that my first post of 2024 is a bathroom update. I feel like I’ve written about little else in the past two

Embracing Uncertainty in the New Year
I’m not going to lie. 2023 was one of the weirdest and most unsettling years for me yet. On a global scale, the world seems

Travelogue: Quebec City, PEI, and the Canadian Maritimes
As an avid traveler, wanderlust hits me hard each summer. Oh, who am I kidding? Wanderlust hits me every 4-6 months, especially since I’ve been
Featured categories from the overall blog above are also populated below in their own sections.
Respectful Renovation
Exterior Projects

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