Our oldest is home from college for winter vacation! I picked him up from the airport at 5:30 this morning. Yawn. Since he goes to school so far away, he does not come home at all during the semester. Everyone is used to that by now, but it sure feels nice to have him home for a few weeks.
While he is home, I plan to update his room. His bedroom and our bedroom are the only ones we have not touched yet. When we moved into BHH, out of necessity, our first projects were bedrooms for the middle boys. That entire wing of the house suffered ice dam damage, and we could not wait.

Next, we renovated our daughter’s room and the doll apartment. We never moved our oldest’s room to the top of the list because aside from the windows, it was in decent shape. Also, we figured he would be moving out soon anyway.
At the very least, I will be building a new headboard because the bed in his room is a sad situation. It is just a mattress and box on a frame. There are also challenges with the lighting. Only one of the two wall sconces works.

Unfortunately, there is no room in the budget to tear out that tragic drop ceiling. Now that we pulled a similar ceiling out of the this Pendleton blanket for Hanukkah, and it inspired the entire bedroom project. Over the weekend, I will take some better “before” shots to share next week.
What Happened This Week?
This post contains affiliate links.
If you like that Pendleton blanket that I linked above, check out this adorable dog bed and dog sweater. I die. My sister has a cute French bulldog puppy that needs a Pendleton sweater. Too bad I already bought her a Christmas present. I’ll have to send her the link. She’ll love it.
I recently found artist Chris Toledo’s Instagram account called ibuildsmallthings. He builds early 20th century reproductions in 1:12 scale. His work is fascinating and so perfect. I could get lost for hours poring over all the tiny details. Just look at this kitchen!

photo credit: Chris Toledo | magazine cover: Dollhouse Miniatures
WordPress, my publishing platform just did a significant upgrade to its editor, and my brain is resisting the change. The update does not seem intuitive at all. It reminds me of the way Google changes Gmail sometimes, and it never seems to be a helpful change. Am I turning into a cranky old person? What online platforms do you use
I’ve got bathroom makeovers on the brain, and this weekend refresh by Cathy and Garrett is a beautiful example of working with what you’ve got.
If you read my Gifts For People Who Are Always Cold post this week, a few people mentioned that they could not live without their heated mattress pads. I found this queen size dual-control one on Overstock for $108 for the next 10 hours. The King and California King size are $116. Is that a good price? Could I do better?
New Year, New Plans
I have been thinking about plans for the blog next year. I invite you to weigh in on what you would like to read. My writing has meandered all over the place the past four years. At first, that made sense because BHH is such a huge project. Getting focused felt difficult when I was spending most of my time putting out figurative fires. Now, I have settled into a routine, and the house is stable.
In the past when I asked this question, I had a few requests for more information about restoring windows. Someone also wanted to know about my favorite tools. What else?
There’s also the issue of the podcast. I love talking to people about their old houses, but each episode takes hours and hours to produce. Although the feedback about the podcast has been nothing but positive, I struggle. Do you wish there very frequent episodes? Do you even listen to podcasts? Ideally, I would hire out part of this project, but I’m not in a financial position to do that right now. If you had your way, what would you like to happen to the podcast? I’m open to feedback.
Have a great weekend. Our town turns into a Hallmark Christmas movie tomorrow night with hundreds of people gathering to sing Christmas Carols on Main Street. Yes, really. Surely someone will feel the true meaning of the holiday or figure out that the boss they thought they hated is the love of their life. It could happen.

I’m hearing impaired, so personally, I don’t like podcasts because transcripts are so expensive to produce that nobody bothers. It really bums me out that everyone seems to be doing podcasts or IG Stories instead of writing blog posts because I can’t follow along.
Lori, if you like gardening, both “A Way to Garden” and “Joe the Gardener” podcasts have the transcripts on their websites.
Thank you for weighing in, Lori. Your comment makes a lot of sense. I have not looked into transcription services, but you’ve opened my eyes. I appreciate that.
I must admit, I have only listened to your 1st podcast, but I really liked it. There’s nothing wrong with doing an occasional podcast if you still love doing them. I still like blogs the best.
Thanks for your comment, Jennifer. I am glad that you enjoyed the first podcast.
I prefer blogs over podcast.
Good to know. Thanks, gigi.
Whew! A lot of topics!
A fresh coat of very flat paint on that ceiling will do wonders to the room. Yes, it is ugly, but if it was all a single color, a lot of its ugliness would disappear. I believe it would be well worth the time, money, and effort.
I have always been mesmerized by miniature interiors. There is a permanent collection of them at the Chicago Art Institute. When I lived there, I was a member of the museum and spent more time than I want to admit staring into the tiny worlds.
WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg! It is a huge change, but necessary for WordPress to compete with other platforms. The basic WordPress interface hadn’t really changed much in the past ten years. I’ve only moved one of the five sites which I administer over. But I will be moving the rest soon with OurPhillyRow being the last one to make the transition so I can be sure none of the plugins are broken. As for the new interface, it is designed to be more user friendly for beginners, but sometimes in doing these redesigns, things get oversimplified and suddenly seem cumbersome. I haven’t decided how I feel yet, change is hard, but inevitable.
Podcasts… While I have certainly enjoyed the podcasts (and I have), they are a bigger time and effort commitment than just catching up on blog posts. I find I need to schedule time to listen to them (because I need to listen to the entire podcast without interruption in order to enjoy it) whereas I can catch up on the blog in bits and pieces throughout the day.
Enjoy your family time for the next few weeks.
Friday is a smorgasbord of topics. 😀
I painted the tiles in the tiny bathroom that adjoins this room, and it did make them almost disappear. I dread painting these, but I know you are right. They suck up so much oil-based primer and paint.
I’m going to put the Chicago Art Institute on my list of places to visit. The miniature world sounds neat, and my son would love it too. My daughter has a bunch of American Girl doll stuff, and half of the fun is just poring over the details on all of the tiny things.
WordPress 5.0 Gutenberg still seems so clunky for something that has been simplified. What I dislike the most are the added clicks to switch from visual to the code editor. Also, I’m still figuring out where they tucked everything away too.
What you said about the podcast time commitment as a listener makes a lot of sense. I have a lot to think about moving forward.
Holly R Layer
Wow, that bathroom refresh to which you linked is beautiful. Makes me want to tackle a project… Oh wait, I have one to finish–eeek! If anything, that post (and yours’) are motivation for me to get re-engaged on the cabinets. As for heated blankets, they are a game-changer. We have one for our bed, although once I added the red velvet blanket to the ‘Christmas bedding,’ it became too much and we aren’t using the heating blanket presently. Approx $100 sounds right, although I’d be curious to see what you could find in-store at Bed, Bath and Beyond with one of those 20% off coupons. (I have tons if you need one.) Lastly, I am woefully sorry, but I have never listened to one of your podcasts. In fact, I don’t know if I’ve ever listened to a podcast…maybe once. I’m just not into them. I have one on my ‘to-listen’ list about pregnancy nutrition, and I haven’t even listened to IT yet! One more thing: the blanket for A’s room is PERFECT! I knew exactly what you were talking about before I even clicked on the link–love them!
I’ll take a look at B, B, and B. That’s a good idea.
The blanket is even prettier in person! Our guest fell in love with it, and she’s using it on her bed for the duration of her stay.
Coming from a place where there is no snow, those ice dams were the first time I realised that snow on the roof could be something other than benignly picturesque. (Gah! I know, so ignorant!)
Gorgeous blanket! I look forward to see what you do with the room.
WordPress occasionally drives me batty with their surprise minor changes – a menu item moved, a screen slightly changed. For me that’s much worse than big bang changes because they kind of sneak up on you and you wonder if they were there all along and you’re slowly going a bit mad. I haven’t upgraded to the new wordpress editor yet and still use the old, old editor buried way down in the settings.
I’m a huge fan of old school blogging and what I most like about your blog is the occasional peek into the everyday life – for me personally this is infinitely more interesting than the reno of BHH would be on it’s own. So more of that please – only if you’re down with it of course!
I had no idea ice dams were a problem until then either! What a mess that was.
You have a great point about WP. I laughed at your description. 🙂
I’ll see what I can do about introduction more personal information. I’m certainly a fairly open book.
I love listening to your podcasts! I hope you’ll still do them. I think podcasts are also geared to a younger generation. My mom and aunts never listen to them but almost all of my friends do (I’m 30).
And I don’t mind if you keep up with it irregularly. I’m subscribed to your podcast now so whenever you do post a new one it will be right there at the top and will feel like a nice surprise. Some of my favorite podcasts (and blogs) post irregularly and I feel that the content is better for it.
Enjoy having your son home for the break!
Thank you, Christina. I will still do them for sure. I’m just trying to figure out how they fit in the big picture of BHH and my schedule. Thanks for weighing in as a “young-un.” 🙂