Today, the morning walk with Millie was frigid ( 13°F), but beautiful. Even though it was difficult to get out of my cozy warm bed, the beautiful sunrise, ranging from deep pink to orange and yellow, was a proper reward.

So, y

I know. I know. What happened to the cabin vibes bedroom project? I promise that it is still happening, but yesterday, trust me, I really needed to use a hammer and some muscle.
Weekly Link Round-up
This post contains affiliate links.
ICYMI – On the Blog This Week: Meal Kit Monday (#BHHMealKits) and A Place For Everything

How many of you are decluttering like mad thanks to the new Netflix Series Tidying up with Marie Kondo? I read the book, which is also available in a cute manga version, a few years ago and started the process. I managed to make it through clothes and books. Although I will forever thank the KonMari method for the way my dresser drawers look and function, the real game-changer for me was a different book entirely.
In 2012, I went through every single item that we own, and I have kept up the decluttering process ever since. (Perhaps it is time to graduate to Swedish death cleaning?) What I preferred about the One Year to an Organized Life method is that Regina Leeds included more concrete ways to put things back in order.
Although this week felt a bit more manageable, I sure got a laugh out of this New Yorker cartoon anyway.
I enjoyed this article about the 2019 top Pinterest trends. Scroll down the article for the home trends.
Lastly, remember that link I posted about Chris Toledo and his miniature mansion masterpiece? I found a video that offers a closer look at some of the details. (Ignore the comments. Internet trolls are the worst.) It looks like he could sell it for a pretty penny too.
What are your weekend plans? Mine include more floor demo and obsessively checking my phone to see if I received any new texts from my California kid. You know, just n
Oh, it’s tough isn’t it, when they leave. Our 20-year-old just moved out last month (when he was still 19!) and I was happy that I didn’t have a grumpy teen sitting around anymore and really happy that he is only 18 minutes away. He’s back a couple of times a week and it’s so nice to see him.
I do have one grumpy teen that might be happier on his own. I’m sure he will be in a few short years.