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The Friday Post: Floor Pics + Cucumber Soba Salad

Last weekend, we made a lot of progress on the floor refinishing project. I still need to reinstall all of the shoe moulding, but the foyer and dining room are complete. Getting this far feels like a million bucks. Knowing we still have the living room left to do feels like ten bucks.

This post contains affiliate links.

This time around, I squirted the Rubio Monocoat oil on the floor, and Andy spread it with a floor buffer. An entire post is forthcoming, but the short of it is that the job was much faster this way than wiping the oil on by hand. I’m pleased with both methods, but there is a very subtle uniformity difference between the hand-rubbed floors and foyer and dining room.

Now, I cannot stop thinking about rugs. I feel like we need them everywhere. We need runners, square rugs, rectangles! The floors were such a mess before that we never cared much about what was on them. Do we go cheap? Is it time for vintage rugs? We cannot decide. It feels a little overwhelming.

Here are a few new runners that I have been looking at for the downstairs hall:

[show_shopthepost_widget id=”3524672″]

They may be too dark, red, or orange. I need to branch out a little. Even with the nearly all-glass door and the new header window, the hall gets very little natural light. If you have a favorite rug, please link it in the comments.

One Room Challenge Inspiration

For a couple of years, I have had this image from the Pottery Barn catalog taped to the laundry room wall. Yes, tape. I could have pinned it, but I went old school.


Don’t hate me, but I’m leaning towards fresh white walls in the laundry room/office instead of a color.

Current Laundry Room

Except for the floors, the room is just so dirty and gross right now, and I am searching for a little calm in here while the rest of the house is in chaos. Colorful art would keep the space from looking too boring and offer a peek of something interesting from the kitchen.

I hesitate to ask this question, “What do you think?”

More Random Stuff From This Week

  • Episode #6 of the podcast is out now: True Tales From Old Houses. I was telling two local friends about the podcast the other day, and they admitted they did not know what a podcast is. I showed them how to subscribe on their phones, and we located a few other titles in their topic of interest. Would a listening tutorial be helpful here on the blog too?
  • A friend on Instagram gave me a head’s up that the cabinet in the Scary Bathroom made an appearance in this article from The Spruce. What a nice surprise!
  • We bought this Roomba with our tax return, and I cannot wait to turn it loose on the first floor. His name is Frederick, and we are keeping him busy on the second floor until the downstairs is back in order.

DIY Meal Kit Recipe: Cucumber Noodle Soba Salad

I was in the mood for a cold salad this week. Don’t ask me why since it is 30 degrees outside. Perhaps it was the three days of sun in a row that put me in that frame of mind.

If you are unfamiliar with the BHH concept of DIY meal kits, please read this post first. The initial recipe post in this series is also helpful and informative. Note: Most of our recipes are vegetarian.

5-ingredient Cucumber Noodle Soba Salad

Recipe: 5-ingredient Cucumber Noodle Soba Salad

Recipe Notes:

  • The portion size for this recipe is very generous.
  • To make the dish faster, I did not chill it as suggested. I rinsed the noodles with cold water instead. Although it might be more flavorful after a rest period, it tasted good to us.
  • Hot sauce adds a healthy dose of flavor.
  • For the meal kit, I combined the rice vinegar and honey into one container.

Earthwise Reusable Mesh Produce Bags

Storage Containers

We use these Sistema KLIP IT boxes or the larger size (shown today) depending on our needs. We are also big fans of 1.3 cup Snapware* for small portions. They fit nicely in the Sistema Klip-it storage boxes. I also recently added these tiny lidded glass containers (intended for baby food, but they work perfectly for spices or small portions).

*This links to the plastic version, but we prefer glass. Unfortunately, the glass containers, sold in sets of four, seem difficult to find now. This 10-piece set includes the small Snapware containers we use as well as some additional, useful sizes.

Have a great weekend! My daughter and I are in Florida pretending to be wizards until Monday. If I were a real wizard, I would wave my wand and finish that living room floor with a magic spell. Wouldn’t that be nice?



  • Shelley
    Posted March 29, 2019 at 7:24 am

    I really enjoy your Friday posts – and especially the recipes – so thank you for posting!

    • Post Author
      Posted March 30, 2019 at 6:49 am

      Thank you for letting me know. I’m glad that you like the Friday posts.

  • Laura Obrien
    Posted March 29, 2019 at 9:35 am

    Love your floors and thank you sooooo much for sharing your experience. We’ll be traveling that renovation path in a year or two. (I’m already anxious to see how you address the stairwell because I’ll be doing the same.) The chalkboard wall outside the laundry room is adorable!

    • Post Author
      Posted March 30, 2019 at 6:52 am

      You’re welcome, and thank you for the compliment on the chalkboard wall.

      I hope you’ll let me know how your floor project goes. I’ve got some ideas about how to fix the stairs, and I will be sure to share them when I start.

  • Kristina
    Posted March 29, 2019 at 10:40 am

    Auctions are great places to get rugs for decent prices.

    • Post Author
      Posted March 30, 2019 at 6:52 am

      What an excellent idea. Thank you!

  • faellie
    Posted March 30, 2019 at 7:18 am

    Please don’t buy a new polyester rug, such as the one your pictured – it’s not just helping to destroy the planet, it’s completely wrong for your house and those lovely refinished floors.

    Try looking on ebay – antiques – rugs. You want something handmade for preference: a seller claiming a rug is handmade will show the back of the rug, and you will very quickly see the difference between the backs of machine made and handmade rugs. For your house, you may be able to pick up a very large rug quite cheaply because lots of people don’t have room for them. If the rug is wool and handmade it can be well worn and still look great, with the added advantage that it will be cheaper and you won’t mind it being in a heavily trafficked area of your house. Rugs from private sellers who rely on the purchaser to arrange transport can also be a bargain on ebay.

    Kristina’s suggestion of real world auctions is a good one, as are estate sales – a dirty wool rug can be cleaned so might also be a bargain at either of these places.

    • Post Author
      Posted March 30, 2019 at 7:48 am

      Thank you for the reminder and for the buying tips. I appreciate that you took the time to leave this comment. It will help me and others too.

  • Ryan
    Posted April 1, 2019 at 5:14 pm

    I’ve been thinking about my laundry space and closets this year and I’ve seen so many different inspiring spaces that run the gamut from light to dark. I think any color of fresh paint will go a long way cleaning up your laundry room/office even if it isn’t white but if a white laundry is what you want? go for it.

    White vintage modern laundry – Faux Martha
    Cream and green Bluestone cottage basement laundry – Manhattan Nest
    Get it done white and pink upstairs laundry (2018) – Manhattan Nest
    Original converted porch laundry (2014) – Manhattan Nest
    Dark green painted mudroom/laundry inspired by original color of salvaged t&g – Farmhouse Vernacular

    I don’t need to ever finish my laundry room right? I’ll just keep looking at pictures of everyone elses.

    • Post Author
      Posted April 3, 2019 at 4:51 pm

      I love all of those laundry rooms too! You have good taste, Ryan. 🙂

  • Norah
    Posted April 2, 2019 at 5:32 am

    Go for white! It will be beautiful.

    • Post Author
      Posted April 3, 2019 at 4:51 pm

      Thank you, Norah!

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