Waiting, waiting, waiting. It’s so difficult being at the mercy of other people’s schedules, but it is a lesson in patience that I probably need. Since last week’s post, I do have some good news. The tiler is coming on November 7. So, if all goes according to plan, I should be able to make the ORC reveal week with time to spare. With all of the ups and downs of this guest bath remodel, I can hardly imagine having a finished room, but I think it is really happening this time.
If this is your first time here, I invite you to catch up on the details of this project here: week 1 | week 2 | week 3

During the last round of the One Room Challenge, my sponsor, Milton & King, was very understanding when I could not finish. Honestly, I was so embarrassed that I didn’t fulfill my agreement, even though most of it was out of my hands. They truly couldn’t have been nicer. I was gifted two gorgeous prints, which I did sew into a sink skirt and a cafe curtain. However, I still haven’t been able to photograph either in the finished bathroom, but that will happen soon.

Milton & King is a family-owned wallpaper and fabric company, and all of their products are made-to-order. I chose the low-end drapery base called Cavalry because I didn’t need anything fancy for the sink skirt. However, if you’re looking for a high-end drapery or upholstery fabric, they offer that too. The wallpaper comes in double rolls (30 feet), and there is a handy calculator on the website to help you determine how much you need. It even takes pattern repeat into consideration, which is a huge help.
Although Milton & King offers a variety of prints, I am naturally drawn to their nature-inspired ones. So, I’m sharing a few of my favorites with you today. They would all work well in a traditional or transitional space.

Left to Right, Top to Bottom
- Singaraja (toile) in Juniper
- Japanese Cranes in Green – This is the print I’m using in the guest bathroom.
- In the Woods in Forest – This would be so cute in a nursery or a powder room in a cottage or cabin.
- Holy Kereru in Berry
- Woodland Birds
- Prehistorica in Deep Forest – My oldest would have adored this print when he was little.
- Parrot Jungle in Black
- Woodlands in Taupe Grey
- Savanna Ostrich in Gypsom
Which one is your favorite? If you’re in the market for genuinely unique fabric or wallpaper, please do take a look at Milton & King.
Hopefully, I’ll have some shower and wall waterproofing photos to share with you next week. Oh, joy! I’m getting everything ready for the tiler. Until then, please visit the One Room Challenge blog to see the progress everyone else has made during week four.
Thank you for being here.

Cyndi J
I love parrot jungle. And it comes in pink, too!I love the two prints you chose together. Perfect! Looking forward to seeing the finished room.
Parrot jungle in pink is adorable!
I was thinking of parrot jungle for our TINY powder closet – definitely not a room. Not sure if it evokes the tropics as much as what I said, but I feel like it would work with the teal floor tiles in there. Though those could potentially be coming out.
Parrot jungle would look super cute in a small powder room/closet. I love bright wallpaper prints in small spaces.