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The Revenge of the Guest Bathroom – Week 8: The Reveal-ish

Edited 12/30/22 – The Guest Bath is finally finished. So, please be sure to check out the update: The Guest Bath – The Real Reveal

I feel like a month has passed since last weekend. After returning from the live audience shows in the Hudson Valley, I quickly went to work on the guest bath punch list. My goal was to have the bathroom ready for a 95% reveal, shower curb excluded. But then, Mother Nature threw a curveball.

If this is your first time here, I invite you to catch up on the ups and downs of this guest bath project here: week 1 | week 2 | week 3 | week 4 | week 5 | week 6 | week 7

Welcome to a Winter Wonderland

Our region got absolutely hammered with lake effect snow. The final total in our town was just shy of five feet, and one town over received almost seven! To compound the issue, my snowblower broke. So, we spent the better part of two days doing snow management, which was an exercise in futility. My neighbor and his son came over with their snowblower on Saturday, and we worked together to clear the end of the driveway. The kids and I were so grateful for the help.

I have ordered a new snowblower, but I can’t pick it up until next week. There was a driving ban in place until yesterday evening, anyway.

Not only did I lose a chunk of working hours, but there have been no deliveries. So, all of the pretty stuff, like my linens and shower curtain rings, haven’t arrived yet, and I’m not sure when they will.

Please consider today a reveal-ish of the bathroom; I will update this post once it’s complete. I can report that the project is coming together beautifully, and I cannot believe how far we’ve come. It’s been over a year since this fiasco began, but we’re getting so close to having a fully functioning bathroom again.

One Major Change

A couple of weeks ago, I planned to paint the wainscoting, Agreeable Gray. It seemed like a decent idea at the time, especially since I already had the paint on hand. However, I knew it wouldn’t look good once I realized how light the grout was. The bathroom was a big white box that needed some contrast.

For some reason, I got a wild hair and thought a deep red might look really nice with the sink skirt.

I chose Rookwood Red from Sherwin-Williams and quickly went to work. Of course, I immediately had my typical post-paint freak-out, but now I’m pleased with it.

After I painted, I installed baseboards, crown molding, and the toilet. I’ll share more details about that when I update this post. I’m nearly finished with the window restoration, and I should be able to re-install it in ten days or less after the glazing putty and paint cure.

So, the basics are all in place. Now, I just have to wait for the pretty things to arrive.

Please do come back to read the updated post. I’m very excited to finish and share it with you.

Until then, please visit the One Room Challenge blog to see everyone else’s progress and room reveals.

Thank you for being here.


  • Sherrill
    Posted November 20, 2022 at 11:17 pm

    I love the red wainscoting! Can’t wait to see the real reveal.

    • Post Author
      Posted November 25, 2022 at 8:13 am

      Thank you, Sherrill!

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