It’s January in the North which means the most consistent thing in our lives right now is snow and ice. We are expecting another walloping tomorrow. Fortunately, the gas tanks are full, Millie has plenty of dog food and treats, and we have several vegetarian DIY meal kits in the fridge. Since we will likely be sequestered inside BHH for a couple of days, I want to cook as quickly as possible and use my time to work on our giant floor project instead.
If you are unfamiliar with the BHH concept of DIY meal kits, please read this post first. The initial recipe post in this series is also helpful and informative. Note: Most of our recipes are for vegetarian DIY meal kits.
This post contains affiliate links.
Portobello & Onion Tart
May I first say that photographing food at night and under lights is hard? Who knew that food was so shiny? Please bear with me. I can only get better, right?
Recipe: Portobello & Onion Tart
Recipe Notes:
- This was my first time using puff pastry. The box said I should roll it out, but the tart recipe stated otherwise. I followed the recipe. Since the pastry was thicker, it took longer to bake, pushing it over the 30-minute start-to-finish mark. Next time, I will follow the package directions so the tart will cook faster.
- This dish was a winner in our family. (Butter pastry! What’s not to love?) However, the ingredients are more expensive which increases the per-person cost.
- Remember to thaw the puff pastry in the refrigerator the day before. It cannot be used right out of the freezer.
- This dish goes well with a green salad.

Toast Ravioli
Recipe: Toasted Ravioli Puffs
Recipe notes:
- I did not count the ravioli as suggested in the recipe. (Is that a thing?) I used about half of a bag of frozen vs. refrigerated. It boils just as quickly.
- The meal kit, except for the olive oil, stores fine in the freezer when the ravioli is frozen.
- Instead of using low-cal Italian dressing which we do not buy, I subbed olive oil with salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning instead. I did not put it directly in the meal kit.
- I doubled all of the topping ingredients since I had more pasta, and I pre-mixed them in the same container.
- Serve with steamed broccoli or another veggie of your choice.

Thank you to everyone who has been letting me know that you like the recipes and you are making DIY meal kits. I am all about making life easier and helping people. To see all of these food posts in one place, follow our mostly vegetarian DIY Meal Kits & Recipes board on Pinterest, and there is a pinnable image at the bottom of this post. Remember to use the hashtag #bhhmealkits on Instagram too.
Question: Is there any interest in seeing one of these vegetarian DIY meal kits in action or looking at the containers up close? If so, I would be happy to oblige.
Storage containers:
We use these Sistema KLIP IT boxes (shown today) or the larger size depending on our needs. We are also big fans of 1.3 cup Snapware* for small portions. They fit nicely in the Sistema Klip-it storage boxes. I also recently added these tiny lidded glass containers (intended for baby food, but they work perfectly for spices or small portions).
*This links to the plastic version, but we prefer glass. Unfortunately, the glass containers, sold in sets of four, seem difficult to find now. This 10-piece set includes the small Snapware containers we use as well as some additional, useful sizes.

Winner (s) again. Both look so good, but that tart is making me hungry already.
I’d like to eat puff pastry every day.