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Waiting for Thaw

I was talking to a friend the other day, and I was telling her that I am having a hard time blogging lately because I am afraid that all of my posts will come across as bitter. We are cruising into the last days of February, and the temperature has not been above freezing even one day. Sunday, March 1, may be a day above freezing. The reports are conflicting. My phone weather app reads 36 degrees. only reports 31. The 10-day forecast again, shows most days below freezing.

I have never wanted thaw so desperately. We are in a holding pattern here. All of the windows are frozen shut, so I am unable remove ice from between the storm window and the interior windows. I just finished a second package of disposable diapers to contain the window leaks. Several days of sub-zero temperatures did offer a short reprieve from the dripping, but now that we have reached a balmy 20 degrees, the drips have started again in earnest.

I feel like an ER doctor waiting for a major trauma to push through the doors. On the first day of thaw, BHH is going to start weeping like a dam with a slow leak, and we will be doing nothing but triage until the ice dam leakage subsides.
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I am trying to keep my mind occupied with other things, but I am a doer. I get stuff done. Nothing makes me feel more agitated than having a well-detailed plan that I am unable to execute due to circumstances that are beyond my control. I just want this ice dam mess behind us. I dream of a whole crew coming out to fix our house, but after the roof/insulation/drainage project, but I know that crew is really just going to be Andy and I with a bucket, a mop and a whole lot of holes in the walls. I need to stop watching HGTV at the gym. They get everything done in a half an hour. Jealousy is ugly.

My goal for today is simple. I am going to try to work on something I can actually complete, and I will attempt to take the day off from feeling bitter about Mother Nature’s deep freeze.

I know I can finish a cup of coffee.
I know I can finish a cup of coffee.


  • Liz
    Posted February 25, 2015 at 9:03 am

    My heart breaks for you. This winter has taken the starch out of the most seasoned WNYers. For folks so new to the area it must be so discouraging. Our daughter’s 115 y.o. house has so many ice dams that it seems to be weeping and friends, who have lived there for 65 years are experiencing the same for the FIRST time. It truly won’t always be like this, but for now I wish you a slow warm up and early Spring-a time when a doer can “giterdone!”

    • Post Author
      Posted February 25, 2015 at 10:01 am

      Thank you so much for your encouraging words. They really do mean a lot. I am not happy that other people are in the same situation, but it does soften the helpless feeling a little. I have been worried that we somehow contributed to this mess, so it is comforting to know that we did not. Bring on spring!

  • Julia at Home on 129 Acres
    Posted February 25, 2015 at 9:39 pm

    Hang in there. I’ve never gone through ice dams before, and they look awful. Feel free to gripe as you need to. The point of the blog is you get to say whatever you want and we get to support you.

    • Post Author
      Posted February 26, 2015 at 7:03 am

      Thanks Julia. I hope you never do have to go through this. I am surprised it is not familiar given your location. You must have great insulation.

  • jamie@PaperedHouse
    Posted February 27, 2015 at 3:25 pm

    this winter has been so brutal. It seems like the temps have stayed so much colder for so much longer than usual. I can certainly relate to your frustration and we haven’t even had anywhere near the same weather you guys have had. We’ve been really fortunate in that we haven’t had too many disasters this winter but we’ve had a few minor issues I’ll be posting about soon…a frozen pipe was the biggest scare (it didn’t burst, thankfully!)

    But it will get better — spring is just around the corner. And I think it’s really valuable to share your experiences — good and bad– on your blog. As a fellow old house owner, I certainly appreciate reading honest perspectives from other homeowners.

    • Post Author
      Posted February 28, 2015 at 6:50 am

      I am so glad your pipe didn’t burst. Thank goodness! We had a couple days with a slushy cold water pipe, but thankfully, just turning a space heater on in the room cured the problem.

      I do often wonder if other bloggers have house maintenance issues. So often, they only seem to post about decorating or renovation. I don’t know about you, but stuff falls apart at our house. Sometimes it feels like it falls apart faster than we can fix it.

  • Alison
    Posted February 27, 2015 at 7:05 pm

    sending warm wishes up there for you..

    • Post Author
      Posted February 28, 2015 at 6:48 am

      Thank you Alison.

  • carolbaby
    Posted March 8, 2015 at 5:10 am

    Yikes! Living in a very hot and sunny place, I’ve always been dazzled by images of picturesque snowy landscapes, but had a sneaking suspicion that there would be down sides.

    I had never heard of (or even conceived of) ice dams – what a ghastly thing! Definitely puts my occasionally leaking roof into perspective!

    (found your blog today and have devoured the archives – excellent stuff!)

    • Post Author
      Posted March 9, 2015 at 9:09 am

      Thank you so much for reading. Welcome! Yes, these ice dams are horrible. We will be cleaning up for quite some time. However, I agree with you that snowy landscapes are quite picturesque. 🙂

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