Welcome back. Friday, I posted all about choice #1, the upstairs hall. If you need more information about this two-part series, please read that post first. Also, thank you for putting up with our technical difficulties. We have had small server issues in that past, but this is the first outage that was more of a major inconvenience. No matter. We are back in business, and I am ready to tell you about choice #2.
Choice #2: The Butler’s Pantry
The Butler’s Pantry is located between the dining room and the kitchen. Here is a little green glimpse of it in this dining room photo:
Visitors who enter from the street side see the Butler’s Pantry immediately when they enter the house. We drop the mail in this room, and it serves as the catch-all for household items such as batteries, flashlights, pet leashes, decorative items, etc. It is pretty much a disaster. Again, I am embarrassed to be sharing these photos with you, but admitting a problem is the first step towards recovery, no? The cabinet doors hide most of the clutter which is a good thing.
The Plan
The work in this room is mostly cosmetic. All of the shelves have flowery contact paper on them. I will remove and make a plan after I survey the damage.
I do not know if the contact paper is decorative or if it is hiding a larger issue. There is contact paper on the uppers and lowers as well as on the open shelves.
On the opposite side of the room, there is a sweet copper sink that we love. That stays. However, I want to make new cabinet doors that more closely match the shaker style doors on the opposite side of the room. Since we have never made cabinet doors before, it will be a new experience. The new doors will have hardware that matches or coordinates with the original Eastlake hardware on the other cabinets. We will also remove that corner shelving unit. It does not serve a real purpose for us, and it is not original to the room.
Here is a close-up of the copper sink. It has a beautiful patina. The wood countertop is also in excellent condition. It will not require much, if any work.
We will repaint the room in a neutral shade and make repairs to the walls as necessary. Also, the light fixture in the room needs to be restored. Presently, it is covered with sage green paint.
The last step will be to turn this room into Command Central. Right now, it is just a catch-all. It’s true that we will never have a butler, but this room is the perfect place to keep all of the essential items that we need as we enter and exit BHH.
For you list makers, here is the plan in list form:
The List
- Remove contact paper from the shelves.
- Paint the walls and the cabinets.
- New Shaker-style doors and hardware on the sink cabinet
- Restore the light fixture.
- Create an organizational system on the shelves and in the drawers.
- Remove the corner shelves.
So now you have the two choices, and it is time for you to vote. As you are considering your vote, please remember that there are no wrong answers. We will get to everything eventually. However, the One Room Challenge and our summer work are extremely targeted for various reasons. Once we schedule work from April to October, it remains pretty set. We revisit our schedule in the fall.
If you have any questions before you vote, please feel free to ask.
* * *
Edited 12/16/16: The poll has closed, and the clear winner was the Butler’s Pantry. Thank you to everyone who voted.
Tough choice, but I would go for the upstairs hall. More bang for the buck in my opinion. We have the same issue of needing to use a baby-gate to keep our pup, Bixby, contained while letting heat circulate.
That copper sink is divine BTW, and the fact that the wood counter has held up all this time is remarkable.
Thanks for weighing in, Devyn. 🙂
I voted for the Butler’s Pantry solely because in our house, I like to focus on downstairs projects first since they make the biggest impression on daily life (at least in our house; we spend most of our time downstairs!). Both projects look awesome, though. 🙂
Thanks for your thoughts, Sarah.
Ame Jo
I was positive after reading about the upstairs hall that nothing else could dissuade me from choosing that one. But then you said “butler’s pantry,” and I swooned.
My reasoning for choosing the hallway was that you see it on the way to bed, right? And on the way downstairs in the morning, maybe? So, I was thinking, have it be completed to enhance your visual relaxation experience.
BUT… Since you’ve done the living room, dining room, and kitchen, I’m going with the butler’s pantry. I’m a fool for a butler’s pantry anyway (had you posted that first, nothing really could have changed my mind), but since this is right beside the dining room, I personally would HAVE to finish it next. It would drive me crazy until it was done and it would be another instance of me not getting any sleep for a couple of weeks because I neeeeeeeded to finish it. (Possibly I have issues.)
That sink is gorgeous, and so is the light fixture. Can’t wait to see it restored!
Aha! Then, I have done my job. I made you think twice. 😀 I’m not sure how it will influence you, but I actually do not see that hall except when I tuck the boys in at night. The main hall is finished and nicely papered in the same toile as downstairs.
Julia at Home on 129 Acres
It sounds like both spaces would make a difference for how you use your house daily. It’s a hard choice! I’ve cast my vote for the upstairs hallway, but I like the idea of the Butler’s Pantry being the last unfinished spot between two beautiful new rooms. Argh. I’m no help.
Ha ha! No help. 😀 Really, though, thanks for voting and for weighing in!
I voted upstairs hall. The baby gate is a safety issue. While the butlers pantry is more visible and possibly more handy to living, a broken limb (or worse!) would be my motivation. Avoiding pain is always my motivation. 🙂
Avoiding pain is a decent reason. I can get behind your thought process. 🙂
I see why it would be tempting to do the butler’s pantry first and have all the public rooms looking finished, but it looks like it’s in much better condition than your upstairs hall, so I think starting with the hall gets the house into better condition overall. Plus, more functional benefits. You could reorganize the butler’s pantry as it is if you wanted to.
But on the flip side, your boys probably don’t care at all what the hall looks like and your whole family probably has a blind spot to the damage up there by now. My parents had a hole in the kitchen ceiling for 7 years until they redid the room.
We have so many blind spots, Chad. 😀 Thank you for your thoughts. Your thought process most closely resembles my own right now.
This was a tough choice, but I went with the Butler’s pantry because I wanted to see more of that sink and I want to see what’s under all the green paint on that light fixture. Best of luck!
Fair enough. 😀 Thanks for weighing in!
Anne At Large
I think the upstairs hall will definitely be a bigger bang for the buck situation. It looks like it could really use the love and you will gain some useful storage, as will the boys. Also I think the before and after will be really satisfying. Downstairs looks more cosmetic and less exciting to me. Apparently this is what it takes to get me to delurk, I love seeing your progress!
Thanks for delurking, Anne. 🙂 I really appreciate your thoughts. You and I have some similar thoughts about the upstairs hall. Thank you for following along.
I have the same thoughts as everyone else.
Can’t you do both? LOL! Just kidding.
I too went with the biggest bang . . . upstairs. I am excited to see what you do with whichever ends up winning. Although when I voted it looks like you have a clear winner 🙂
Ha! I think Andy likes the way you think. He is team Upstairs Hall. The good news is that we will do both eventually. The vote does look clear today, but I learned a lot about surprising outcomes this past November. 😀 The poll stays open until Thursday night. Thank you for commenting. 🙂
It’s a really tough choice! I usually tackle whatever annoys me the most, but I can’t decide which I would find more frustrating–tripping over the baby gate or the inefficient catch-all! Even though it would be gratifying to have all of the first floor done (speaking as if it were my house ^_^), I think that I will have to cast my vote for the upstairs hallway so that the storage is increased and the baby gate is taken care of. It would probably be really nice to have well-organized overflow storage for the boys and since my house doesn’t have a linen closet I like to live vicariously through those that do, haha.
Thank you so much, Jenny. I think I have become mostly desensitized to everything in this house that could annoy me. 😀 On one hand, that is good. I am living in the moment and not worrying about appearances. On the other hand, Lord help us all when we have visitors coming over. That is when I see the full extent of this house project, and that is somewhat demoralizing. 🙂 My family hides from me when I start to “see” the disasters. They know that they will be getting a project that they probably do not want.
I voted for the Butler’s Pantry, but it was definitely a tough choice since either project will considerably improve the day-to-day functionality in BHH. Given that you recently finished both the kitchen and the dining room, I would go with the pantry so that all three spaces are finished. I think it would be rewarding to be done with such a large portion of the first floor (of course, this perspective is coming from someone who currently has some sort of open project in every.single.room of the house, so working in a linear fashion is not our strong suit. Take my recommendation with a huge grain of salt!)
Thanks, Jamie, and I feel your pain! 😀 Just keep chipping away your projects. Soon, you’ll be able to look back and see all that you have accomplished.
I echo so many others–tough choice! But I’m on team pantry. It is used every day, seen every day, and also seen by many visitors. Plus, since it is flanked by beautiful, finished rooms, each pass through the panty would be like a visual stumble.
Thank you, SH! You have a very good point.
Is it too late to vote? I was going to vote for the hallway but I do t see where to cast my vote today. I’m claiming election fraud!
I think either place will be wonderful when finished!
It’s not too late. The poll is at the end of the post, right above my signature. The poll will be open until Thursday night.
We will consider your claim of election fraud, but before we can recount, we need to raise a nominal fee of $50,000. I will be starting a GoFundMe campaign. You can be the first donor. 😀